Mission Pertinent

Coal banged his hands on the consul, suddenly getting frustrated that the computer was not going any faster. "damn it thing! go faster!" "hatch doors are not open far enough." "switch to manual controls until father notice!

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He had to get faster! he had to get stronger! tozoku hooked his tail in the barrel of the falling gun and swung it up at fuku simply as a distraction.

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Airline Food for the Soul

The small lights on either side of the runway whipped by faster and faster, the line of lights at the end of the runway flew at them with alarming speed.

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The Wanderer - Part II

He ran faster, and faster, his but he seemed only to get slower the faster his feet moved. there, he was on the same clearing. the drums, they misled him he was sure. they got louder every second.

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Running, heart thumping, faster and faster, sweat flying. reaching desire, grasping the light, completing a dream: to be alive.

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Objective: Move In!

Syrup did just this, feeding him faster, as a result his belly grew faster, jesse soon noticed the chair under him creaking, not seeming to care much this time as he was lost in a world of flavor as syrup watched his limbs thicken along with his belly growth


Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 28

Red lines opened up in diamond patterns and filled with blood seemingly faster than ander could swing his arms, faster and faster, spinning them like the blades of the windmills from that other, distant life.

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I keep going faster and faster never slowing.every time i don't take that exit that goes another way the night gets darker the thunder louder the fog gets thicker but i keep going farther. when the road ends where will i be?

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 29-Street Rivals Twin Turbocharged Ruoff

Automatics tend to switch faster than a manual which left me, even though i had more horsepower, he could shift faster and start accelerating that much sooner.

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Your perfect weapon

Waves ill be the one who digs the graves the weapon you wanted i will be my endless slaughter none shall remain free nothing shall stand before my blade through there blood i will wade only for you my commander my master the death toll will rise faster

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The Darkness Within

My heart keeps beating faster, faster, faster, i feel as if its going to rip through my chest but instead pumps more addrenaline into my body making me thrive in a euphoric madness.

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Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 28

Red lines opened up in diamond patterns and filled with blood seemingly faster than ander could swing his arms, faster and faster, spinning them like the blades of the windmills from that other, distant life.

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