Feeling a little more bold, the dwarf said, "aye lass, take it all in. ye ain't seen a dwarf o' me calibre b'fore, 'ave ye?" he purposefully put his accent on thick, just for the effect.
"what are those tattoos?" she asked.
Bear, Dwarf, Fantasy, Gnoll, Novel, Series, Story Series
Even though he was in a hurry, the dwarf needed to remain cool, calm, and collected. only a novice would fail to get the door open, and he had fifty years of thieving under his belt.
Dwarf, Fantasy, Gnoll, Hyena, Novel, Series, Story Series
Hilfa looked back at their co, and the dwarf nodded his head before he took his leave. their conversation was something that he didn't want any part of.
"what do you mean?"
"i don't want to remember arion.
Bear, Dwarf, Fantasy, Novel, Series, Story Series, Violence
Sunlight dappled along the lazily flowing river, creating a deceptively peaceful atmosphere. Zakkar didn't expect any real trouble, but even as he sketched the river and the trees beyond in his journal--with Alyara helpfully adding flourishes as he...
Cat, Dwarf, Fantasy, Rat, Short Story, Tiefling, goblin
And then the dwarf slowly withdrew his hand, stepping back away from the table as another dwarf came forward to set a large silver stein in front of the doe. "try this afore yeh speak ahgin." the dwarf said before stepping back to rejoin the mob.
Dwarf, Dwarves, Fantasy, Tarin, Tarous, The Wolfcaller Chronicles, uprising
Jinn looked from the dwarf, to the food, then back again. "none for me?"
dougal shrugged and said, "i didn't think you were hungry. you just ate."
"that was hours ago."
the dwarf seemed surprised. "has it really been that long?"
Death, Dwarf, Fantasy, Gnoll, Hyena, Novel, Series, Story Series
Captain jacinth, a dwarf with an explosion of red hair on his head, approached bart and demanded that he turn over the map he made. his nose flared in anger when bart shoved the crumpled piece of parchment into the dwarf's face.
Bear, Dwarf, Fantasy, Military, Novel, Series, Story Series, Violence