Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Twenty Nine
She flew backwards, straight into the others behind her, knocking them all down like dominoes. but the others quickly moved to fill that gap keeping me from escaping. "do not fight it, henry rider," they said, eerie voices ringing in my ears.
Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Twenty Nine
She flew backwards, straight into the others behind her, knocking them all down like dominoes. but the others quickly moved to fill that gap keeping me from escaping. "do not fight it, henry rider," they said, eerie voices ringing in my ears.
Collar 15 -- Answers
That, and i knew how to play 42, a domino game nicknamed "the national game of texas" for its origins and popularity.
domino had completely overhauled her appearance. she'd gone from outsider genius to tres chic in a week.
Seeker Origins: Chapter Three
Up as far as i could to the top of the building; it had to be just over twelve floors high, much like the rest of the buildings in the city; built to house as much people, in as little space, and reinforced to prevent the city falling down like a set of dominoes
Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Twenty Seven
Taking splatsy in both hands, i swung her as hard as i could, knocking the first dummy into the second, and the second into the third, like a row of evil killer dominoes. "go henry!" aesop cheered for me. "you are queen of the dummied! get it, jade?
Kung Fu Panda: Closer
An orange paw placed three small coins on end, like dominos, on the counter. "awwww! why can't we get one of the big rooms?" "because i'm in charge of the money." she tied the simple cloth purse back to her belt.
Chapter 1- "A Cheetah Named Light"
His behavior was the result of a domino effect, started by mother. mother left six years ago, completely out-of-the-blue. one day, she never came home.
(Old) Chapt 6. A Lonely Decision
Richter shouted through the forest as one by one tress fell over like dominos, cut in half with ease by richter's twin swords, falling abruptly into one another.
Keep Moving Forward
A long line of pokémon stood outside his favorite store like a bunch of dominoes. it was very unusual for this store in particular to have that many customers, let alone a huge line like this!
Isolation-Excerpt 13-Force Recon
Within a few seconds of allen and matt joining the fight, the bots fell like dominoes. "welcome to pain", allen said as he popped open the dust cover of his 240, "population you."
Candy Fiend Showdown
Then she wiped her hand across her face as silver domino mask appeared on it. with that, the changes were complete, and she struck a pose, balanced on one leg arms held up ready to fight.