New character: Everett
I started with a modular fetish, then i went to detached fetish since there is not much modular stuff out there. soon i found my way to nullification stuff. i think the idea is fun as long as things go back to normal afterwards.
Limbo Lower (Otherwise Untitled)
~ the scorched and battered hulk of the ship rested heavily into the footprint of the broad prairie, the majority of the worthwhile and detachable bits having been long since removed.
The Realms Of Azura
People outside the wars ) zhera (the city of reach (, some call it the city of amaterasu) oiris (represents the bears) almost all regions (or some legions) looking for what is known as the blood stone, a cornerstone for the scope ring and bloody magic can detach
Ragnarok - I
A leaf above his all unmoving face, for no cause visible, detached itself and drifted, fickle, now towards him swift, now again away, until it stopped above his chest, and settled, and he woke like a volcano, sudden, swift, surprised.
Quake: Tales from the Arenas Eternal, chapter 2. PART 1!
When he and the detachment he was with arrived at beta labs, he saw what appeared to be a hell knight grab betruger and take her into the portal to hell. he lunged, but was enveloped by a blinding white light.
Home Sweet Farm: Mecha Warrior Sneak Peak
The cables that had picked him up were now detaching from kevin's body and he fell to the earth but instead of falling on his back or head he landed on his feet. "kevin?" said katie. all he did was let out a little creepy laugh.
The Inside Theory
I pushed against the back of my hand were the skin suddenly detached from my fingers like a loose rubber glove. the pain subsided as i felt the back of my neck pealing open. i reached back to feel a gaping hole & a large tufted of hair inside.
Will the creatures sitting in the fog consider me with the same detachment when i tumble down the mountainside? will they watch, mouths agape, as i stumble blindly into the mouth of some predator?
Forgotten Ch. 3
Groaning, i slowly slipped away and detached myself from him. rolling over i sat up and let my feet hang in the cold air of his room. "where are you going love?" he questioned me as his arms slipped lightly around my waist.
Confession *WIP*
When you saw me the other day i was heading off to kill a detachment of enemy commandos that were on their way to cheyenne. if they had made it there they would have killed the president and most of the high staff which we couldn't allow.
The Imperial Throne
Do not be fooled by his detachment or his disinterest. nothing gets past the celestial dragon. ruler of the empire. nothing escapes his notice or passes by unobserved. mock his apathy and aloof attitude all you want.
Chapter 4
"this detachment you're being assigned to is part of the marine unit that assaulted the beaches of north and south carolina.