The Dark

It rears its head of hollow guilt, At the slightest provocation, How can I fight this morbid demon, From my heart does stir. It claws my heart and shreds my soul, To no one can I turn, Because with me the demon comes, To...

I'm Giving Up on You

The howling wind beating at the rattling windows; the ominous glow of a street lamp over a street, casting an eerie shadow over everything in its range; the onslaught of rain on the roof, drowning out everything but the overpowering thunder; the crack...

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What are we saying In the silences between us? Are there unspoken words? Nothing at all? And emptiness fills me up Everytime The silence stretches On And On And On Building my doubt Fueling fears I dare not voice What would you...

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The corners are quiet The places I hide inside my mind Where I can sleep Find a little peace Fill the spaces With the me That I keep away Secret from everybody For fear they couldn't understand For shame Of what's become Of the me I...

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The Pit

Face down in the pit, I lay, awaiting your killing blow; a somber gale to take me away. Cheapened by my bitter tears, the cretins demand a show, a punishment for my fears. A pint of blood should do, but the sweat can't hurt though; maybe...

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By The Campfire

I looked over the red fox boy's features, flames seeming to leap off his face in anger. "Freddy...", I managed to say. "No! Be quiet and listen, racoon!" I shut my mouth immediately. "You...", Freddy began, his finger shakily pointing at me....

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Dark Sorrow

The oak tree stood solemnly over the black marble bench that sat at its hooves like a widowed bride...veiled from the world behind her veil of grief and sorrow. The sun was bright, as it always was during the youth of the month of June, and sat warm...

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Something Different: Prologue

For as long as he could remember the creeping darkness of depression had been in the back of his mind, always waiting and watching for him to make and attempt at happiness so it could come down and cover it inside a dark, endless void of color or light

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Oh Sweet Mad Mind

Oh sweet mad mind, we hope you're doing better. How are you today? We're here if you need us. Have you taken your pills? Maybe you need a different one. Have you exercised or gone out today? Maybe you need to do more. Have you written or done anything?...


The Call

I sit upon the edge to which I see The endless sky, so black, so deep, so far I hear a voice, silent, not far from me The void she calls to me towards the end Should it be chased or shall I not go join?


What I'm Made of

I knew what was inside when I gave you the most important parts of me I only wish I knew from the beginning it was useless and you'd never see That you brought out all the best parts that were hidden by lock and key~ Told from when I was born that...


Pain from reality

The one you love rejects and lies Your friend was in on it the entire time Your friends insults and attacks for being upset over it The one you love refuses to be with you even though they feel the same way You support their relationship, even if...
