Ep4-Training-The Tamers of shadow
After taking down the first boss, Nathan had noticed that he was a little rusty on fighting compared to Mike and Russell who had no fighting experience. Meanwhile while training offhandedly there was a new guy who ended up getting involved. Name:...
Ep3- The First Heist-The Tamers of shadow
Thanks to Nathan being a Nightwing he has the ability to tear holes into the shadow world directly. The shadow world is the opposite of the real world as it exists within the shadows of real places. It's somewhat normal for people to slip into the...
Ep2- The first teammates-The Tamers of shadow
Nathan One day by chance discovered that there are a few people who have powers similar to his. Name: Mike Young Age: 16 Height: 5'2 Appearance: Blue eyed black haired white Squirrel, often wears his silver necklace on his outfits, he also has a...
Ep1-Nathan's Story-The Tamers of shadow
Name: nathan "nate" nightwing age: 17 height: 5'7 appearance: black crow with blue eyes, with a skinny body type.
Ep30-The true ending-The Tamers of shadow
Once Nathan took down his father, things got a lot more calmer. However their roles as the tamers of shadow were nowhere close to being over. There were a lot more shadow related problems that kept happening within the city outside of the nightwing...
Ep29-The story-The Tamers of shadow
The story of the tamers of shadow, quickly came to an end as easily as it started a few months ago. From the good moments to the bad moments, from times of great anguish the team and the friendships they formed could last a lifetime. This is the story...
Ep28-The Seventh and final heist-The Tamers of shadow
The Team did some tracking and uncovered the last shadow castle. The Palace of Greed was owned by Jackson Nightwing, and was a huge palace with many floors and rooms. "everyone..." Nathan had got the attention of the others. "This may be very well the...
Ep27-Backtracking (the last time)-The Tamers of shadow
The team did some retracing of their steps to figure out the source of the shadow castles. It was then Brandon figured it out, the vines were feeding the shadow castles from a source and he finally detected it. "I think I was able to figure this out......
Ep26-The mastermind-The Tamers of shadow
The Tamers of shadow had went up against the final shadow castle better known as- Jackson Nightwing's Palace of Greed, which in the real world was Nightwing Manor. The team had gone up against the final shadow castle but were picked off one by one, in...
Moving Reality (Otherwise Untitled)
~ the crow stared intently at the couch, glancing back up to the door frame before another annoyed glare settled down into the stained fabric.
Ep25-The truth-The Tamers of shadow
That thing Nate has been feeling in the pit of his stomach was his feeling that this problem was a lot more closer than it was and he was right. And for a week and a half, he has had this truth bomb and was too scared to confess to it. Eventually that...
Ep24-Exposed-The Tamers of shadow
So one sleepy Saturday Nathan had woken up early one morning to get breakfast before he overheard something from the living room. "so... my plan on creating these shadow castles is going well" Mr Nightwing can be heard on the phone talking to someone....