Tania's Unbound
Some glowed with blight blue light, others with warm reds, and even one bunted with pure white light. some were huge while others were hardly worth her time. in the end it didn't matter to her, she ate them all as she came to them.
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Between those terraces, above the streets, criss-crossing bunting waved their colours in the soothing sea breeze.
Anthem Of The Lonely Act 4 - Day Of The Dead
"no bunting, you." "bunting?" "like a cat."
Kaiju ga Gotoku 4.3 - Gordon's Big Day Out
"oh gods definitely the decorator," she groaned, "every week we have to change all the bunting, the darning because we get a lot of creatures in, and they sweat a lot, and that sweat seeps into everything."
Kaiju ga Gotoku 9.3 - The Guardian
Nagamichi street had yet to set up its bunting for icthymas, but some shops already had little trees with stars and tinsel to ease in the festive mood.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 8.2 - The Mad Bird of Issincho
"you boys and your stupid little toys," she chuckled, "come on, it's the bottom of the ninth, and you're all bunting like bitches, gimme a real swing!"
Red Hypergiant (Act 2) - All Pain Is Gone
Moving with the direction of the throw, she turned the gun around and slammed the wolf with the bunt of the heavy weapon. hearing something organic crack in its body and the creature whimper a bit in pain.