If He Only Had a Brain

"but you must hurry to the emerald city; bastion will stop at nothing to take back those ruby sneakers and imprison you in his castle..."

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Friends reunited (Richard and the Fae - Ch10)

"hemlock," came a sudden voice at richard's elbow, and he glanced down to find bastion standing at his side, peering off towards the happy reunion.

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Kingdom Hearts: The new holder of the Keyblade part 4

** **tsume: not funny** **leon: that town is called hollow bastion , it wasnt always like this but we wanted to restore**** hollow bastion what it use to be** **jake: well to bad you can't wave a magic wand around to fix it** **leon: who knows , maybe

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Kingdom Hearts: The new holder of the Keyblade part 3

[542150_394427280623037_864464155_a.jpg](https://fbcdn-photos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/542150_394427280623037_864464155_a.jpg) **somewhere in hollow bastion sora pov)** **n1: sora, donald and goofy got to hollow bastion and saw that it&

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O'fur the Rainbow

bastion scowled again and glared at glen. "very well. i will leave of my own volition. but the next you see me, boy, you will be mine..." he pointed at theo, then to roro. "and your little dog too!"

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A Patient Death 04: Civilised Folk

"you're so forgiving, it's your worst quality - i would have sent them to bastion, you need only ask. alas... taking their jobs and social standing will have to do."

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[SCRAP] Towers of Heaven Come Crashing Down

The sky has been pierced, as heaven's bastions collapse one by one into the realm below. the sky that was once blue has taken a red hue, and become filled with holes like shattered glass; beyond which lies only blackened emptiness.

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Marketh, The Bastion Of Oppression (rough)

Marketh, the bastion of oppression my name is taiku altergrund, i am a denizen of the last great city to stand

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_a raw intense, beautiful inside_ "a cautious, eroding outside; a bastion like a lighthouse, that learns to direct, and to let that raw beauty out." ultimately, do you entertain this game?


Flags of Our White Blood

Thanks to him, he managed to leave the city burned and went to the last mountain bastion th'ell par'awell birthplace of dragon children. reported by fire, all those whom he met in the city and has become a high priest.

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Undying Fire

A bastion of warmth in the purple moor the bronzen wolf keeps guard the door. like witches cluster cauldrons black its thatched broom propped at its back. pewter plates reflect the blaze while just below the goblins gaze.

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World of Osmis: Nations

City state: naturalist state of berenom mitiria:- a grand mountain range covered in snow and rolling blizzards, but even in the most hazardous reaches of the realm, there lies a beacon of hope and a bastion of reprieve, chromwall, founded by the first

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