"Where'd you get that?" Emerson looked up. "In the, uh ... it survived the crash. In the wreckage," he replied, shyly, looking up from his reading. He had a Bible in his paws. The marmot smiled, standing. And gave a nod. "Well ... what're you...
Empty Nest
"I'm ... I'm having trouble moving," was the soft, squeaky sound. Unmistakably a mouse's tone. Accompanied by static, interspersed with patches of silence. The sound of a voice being piped through a tiny comm-system. "These boots are heavy." A...
What I Know
On the top level of the Promenade, with his rain-furred paws on the smooth, matted-grey railing, and his quiet, blue-grey gaze scanning all about, the mouse overlooked the empty shops that dotted the bottom level. Eyes soon skipping to the closed,...
Piece of Glass
"Can't believe that I did it again ... Wake me up from this nightmare. Cause this monster's wasting me away and taking my days." The mouse was on his side. In bed. Groggy and cold (so cold) and not knowing the time. Not caring, really,...
Personifying the Sun
"I feel like a ... mouse on a wheel," he said, blinking, rubbing his eyes. "Don't." "What?" He blinked. Frowned. Looked to her. "Don't rub your eyes," she whispered. "It'll only irritate them more." Still wearing the frown, Field...
Under the Gun
The flash lit the room. And even the dust bunnies hid (behind the broom in the corner). Field froze. Standing in the middle of it all. Heart going hammer-hammer. Eyes darting ... from the window to the bed. From the window (which gave a non-view...
Five Things
"What?" "Any five ... " "Only five?" " ... things. Yes." A nod. "If you could have any five things with you," she repeated, "on a desert island ... " "So, what," Field asked, leaning back into the couch cushions. "I just happen to...
Some Clear Joy
AUTHOR'S NOTE -- (( Yeah, I'm considering this non-yiff, because ... though there's sexual ... things ... mm ... \*smiles and giggles\* ... I don't really elaborate on it. In the writing. Like, I don't show all the motions. It's not really in the...
Speak Our Minds
They passed a sign ... "thank you for visiting Newton County, where Agriculture and Industry meet" ... "Final score ... " Slap! Radio ... off. Fuzzy, paws on the wheel, turned his head. Furry, red mane catching the dim light from...
Keeping Awake
"What ... " "Kit Kat bars. Reese's cups. Mm ... peanut butter granola bars ... " "That's not a supper." "Well, it's ... " "Junk?" The mouse stared at it. Blinked. "Um ... well, I don't know." "You're normally so...
Burning. Is what it was. A burning. And as soon as he was out the door ... as soon as he was clear (from the eyes of others, and from the judgment of others), he let loose. He cried. Field, shaking and twitching ... made it to his...
Look Through My Window
"What's that?" A nod at the tray. "Piss," answered one. Field blinked. "Champagne," said Julia. Who-Lee-Uh. A spry cat. The mouse reached out a paw ... took a glass. Nose sniffing. Wasn't good habit to eat or drink anything ... unless you...