Seekers: Chapter Seventeen: Tension
Location: Wastelands. Closest City: Falsetto. Time: 13:05pm. Year: 2180, March 13th. It was torture; to be standing around expecting for something to happen. There's been no wind for around two days now, and I've resorted to sleeping late to make...
Seekers: Chapter Sixteen: The Dead Ship
Location: Wastelands. Closest City: Falsetto. Time: 15:25pm. Year: 2180, March 11th. So far, the day had been very uneventful. Me and Elise kept swapping between driving The Cradle and having a nap; leaving us in complete silence. It was a lonely...
Seekers: Chapter Fifteen: An Uphill Battle
Location: Old Arpeggio Ruins. Time: 00:25am. Year: 2180, March 11th. I looked at Elise, who had her teeth clenched together, holding her large rifle in both hands. She didn't look at me; she didn't look anywhere, really. She was just...
Seekers: Chapter Fourteen: Uncovered History
Location: Old Arpeggio Ruins. Time: 22:45pm. Year: 2180, March 10th. We had been in this place for only half an hour, and things were already going to hell; we didn't even bump into Rosie yet! Though we did find something alive down here;...
Seekers: Chapter Thirteen: Rosie
Location: Old Arpeggio Ruins. Time: 22:15pm. Year: 2180, March 10th. The Cradle had stopped right next to where we needed to go. It was clear to see that a building had actually fallen over, not collapsed. The roof had broken through the...
Seekers: Chapter Twelve: Old Arpeggio
Location: Old Arpeggio, Outskirts. Time: 20:05pm. Year: 2180, March 10th. It had been a whole day of sailing through the dull and still environment; both me and Elise were both starting to feel a little exhausted. We both took three hour shifts...
Seekers: Chapter Eleven: Small Revelations
Location: Wastelands, Ocean. Closest City: New Vega. Time: 09:50am. Year: 2180, March 9th. I woke up to the feeling of The Cradle, rocking from left to right slowly. From what I had experienced for my short time aboard the ship, it had...
Seekers: Chapter Ten: Fox vs. Fox
Location: New Vega, Northern District, Airport. Time: 16:55pm. Year: 2180, March 8th. It barely took me half an hour to get up the small trench that housed The Cradle, and climb over a small area of fencing to get to the airport. I entered...
Seekers: Chapter Nine: Preperations
Location: New Vega, Northern District, Airport Outskirts. Time: 16:20pm. Year: 2180, March 8th. I jerked up and was breathing heavily; I had obviously slept for too long, because my joints were a little stiff, my mouth was dry and my fur was...
Seekers: Chapter Six: The Great Hunt
Location: New Vega, South-East Section, Abandoned Rover Factory. Time: 14:20pm. Year: 2180, March 7th. There were eight people in the room; me, Elise, four Red Foxes, one Red Dragon, and a short but bulky diving suit. We all stood on separate sides...
Seekers: Chapter Seven: Hitch-Hikers
Location: New Vega, South-East Section, Abandoned Industrial Area Time: 17:50pm. Year: 2180, March 7th. I woke up in a small bed, almost unable to move. My right shoulder was killing me, and when I reached over to touch it, I noticed that it was...
Seekers: Chapter Eight: The First Movement
Location: New Vega, Eastern District, Station. Time: 08:30am. Year: 2180, March 8th. "You didn't mean a thing by setting sail." I muttered to Elise; "Did you?" "I said I was sorry." Elise pouted at me, looking the other way. We were both just...