Wayward Scale, Wasteland Chapter 1, Evening's Awakening
The stock was almost dry when James finally opened the trapdoor. He squinted to see through the foggy lenses and steadily breathed through the filters of his gas mask as sand poured on the stairs. Light flooded into the cellar when the trapdoor opened...
Wayward Scale; The Wasteland Prologue; Fallout
With one single catastrophic event, James Scale's life would become more chaotic than before. Somehow, a bomb had made it into the white house, and the nation was in chaos after the president was there when the bomb went off. Everyone knew that many...
Wayward Scale; The Wasteland chapter 4, Liftoff
As soon as the sun peeked over the horizon, James stretched his arms and cleared his throat. Then, he rubbed his eyes and stood up, thereby waking Sasha, Josh and Astar, as well as their dragon hatchling, and especially Snow. He took a step back and...
Wayward Scale, Chapter 3, Descended From Beastmasters
James awoke to see Astar sneezing wet snot from his nostrils. He knew what was wrong all too well, yet he couldn't stop himself from asking what was wrong. With a voice more nasal than usual, Astar answered, " I think I've got a cold." " Alright,...
Scales and Scavs chapter 5, Back to the fort
James scratched his head while staring at the yingling laying on the table. How was he supposed to fit a diaper around that tail? It didn't help that she was flopping all over the table, pounding her tail and kicking her legs. He sighed, approached her...
Scales and Scavs chapter 4, Testing and treatment
As the last of the eggs was loaded into a van, a Dracosith soldier turned to James and said, "Well, I was told that we'll try for more females than males. If there are too many males, then we'll send him over." "Understood." As the van drove away,...
Scales and Scavs chapter 3, Odd Parenthood
"Seven!" James grunted while letting an egg slide out. Once the white sphere reached the ground, he asked, "Any more coming?" "Nope," answered the yinglet he had hired as a helping hand. With that, James let go of his tail and sat down. He spun around...
Scales and Scavs chapter 2, Ditched
When James awoke, there was a new sting on his rear, and he had flown across the room. "On your feet!" he heard someone behind him bark, "You're late for training!" He jumped to his feet and ran outside while trying to blow red hair out of his eyes. A...
Scales and Scavs chapter 1, Introductions
A sudden jolt and boom awoke James. He brushed some of his red hair away from his blue eyes and looked through the window to see another starship firing at them. He looked at one of the black and red jumpsuit clad Dracosith soldiers as he barked, "Hey...
Wayward Scale: Orientation, season 1 transition
James slumped into the captain's chair as the shuttle broke through the atmosphere. " How did we not get killed there?" " I don't know," replied Astar, " but at least we did." " Hopefully, those two can find someone who's still alive." James leaned...
James Scale is Red Dragon
James Scale's hand shook as he held the second contact lens over his eye. After a moment, he lightly pressed it against his eye and blinked. Once the lens was in properly, he looked at the clock and let out a sigh of relief. He had several minutes...