A Cleric Beyond the Sun's Reach
Thenyr soared high above the waves of the ocean, his broad wings easily bearing him aloft above the placid surface below. The goddess had bid him accomplish a mission for her, a mission which required a long journey. He would meet Kawheek when he...
The Thordani Heretic, as told by Thenyr Nontdargo
"I tell you a story that speaks to me. Once, there was a Thordani who strayed from the light, desiring power and wealth beyond what. It started innocently, but quickly grew to something more. As he gained power and influence, he became defected from...
The Hardest Choice
**The Hardest Choice By: VeronicaFoxx For: Arrow** Richard gripped the steering wheel white-knuckled as he sat staring at the scene in front of him. It just _had_ to happen on a night like this, but if it had been any other night then he...
World descriptions
WORLD DESCRIPTIONS Wildtouched Earth (better name needed). Notable PCs: Richard, Melody This is a modern earth, with a timeline roughly in the new tens, depending on my storytelling needs. It's a low magic, masquerade ...
Anthrobird considerations
BIRD ANTHRO DISCUSSION So you want to know what it's like to be a hawk anthro? Sure, I can tell you that. Ever since my Change at age 16, I've been one, and I don't think I'd choose anything else, even if I had the option, ...
A Price for Everything pt 5
**A Harpy's Heart, A Hawk's Wish By: VeronicaFoxx For: Arrow** It was... embarrassing. And humiliating. Being carried around by someone who looked like a twelve-year-old girl firstly, and being a stuffed animal secondly. She very clearly...
A Price for Everything pt 4
**Title Here By: VeronicaFoxx For: Arrow** Richard hoped like hell that the harpy knew what she was doing and wasn't leading him into a trap. The pull of gravity had him pulling a dive at least as fast as any peregrine he had ever seen. The...
A Price for Everything pt 3
**Title Here By: VeronicaFoxx For: Arrow** Richard perched obediently on Lord Angelmaris's arm, looking around with interest. He needed to get as much information as possible on the competition and what challenges lay ahead, or so he'd...
2nd person Hippogryph TF for Glenhall
The initial feeling is one of warmth. There's not any pain, just a general warm, fuzzy feeling, like you've had too much to drink. Your reflexes slow a bit as you walk, feeling awkward. Your back tightens, feeling stiff and a bit sore as you look down....
A Shawkingly Good Christmas Break
Sorry for the wait! Here it is! A Shawkingly Good Christmas Break Written for Arrow Quivershaft --Author's note: Since I have trouble finding this sometimes in first person stories, the name of the main character is Colin Sparks. Also, I...
Workplace Harrassment
David knocked on the door, rapping sharply on it and pulling in his breath as he stood there. After a few moments, the door was answered by an occupant; Kristine stood there, hair down to her shoulders. "David? What are you doing here?" She said,...
thordani race stats
Thordani race stats Ability Score: Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1. Age: Thoradan reach maturity around 2 years, and their gender divided society leads to different life expectancy. Most males stay protected...