The Academy - A General's Proposal
"Hey Harper, wake up." "Huh, what?" I blinked the fog out of my eyes to...
Fallout: Balance of Power
I was far too stunned to speak, but apparently I didn't have to as Jaimie advanced on Hogan. She stopped a pace short of being in his face and without breaking pace slapped him, hard. Hogan recoiled backwards. I even cringed a little inside knowing...
Fallout - Life Goes On
I sat up in bed, fur damp from sweat, the covers torn off me. I panted, focusing on slowing my breathing, taking deep breaths, and trying to calm my body. I clenched my...
Fallout - Prologue
Okay, this is the beginning of my rewrite of Aftermath. I decided after writing those first chapters, I didn't like where the story was going. The events which took place in Aftermath...
The Academy - On The Mountain
I pulled out the map we had been handed and flattened it out on a large boulder. The two points were highlighted, but there were no trails marked. The only indicated...
The Academy - The Final Chalenge
We got back and unloaded our gear. I went to the barracks and took a much needed hot shower. It camp, we had only been allowed three minute showers. The water...
Fallout - Welcome Home
-NEW MESSAGE -FROM: HQ -TO: BRAVO -SUBJECT: #1 Thank you. Remain in position and watch for others. Alert me of any changes. -END MESSAGE I...
Fallout - An Illusion to Follow
-NEW MESSAGE -FROM: HQ -TO: BRAVO -SUBJECT: #1 Was there any indication of his intentions? The chief needs to know if he or any of his people are at risk. END...
Fallout - Leads from Legends
C/PFC Kirian Harper 2114 - 2133 "Service before self" "Is this who I am?" I wondered, gazing at the headstone before me. But, if that were...
Fallout - Where Now?
This was mental. I was simply over reacting. Why was I throwing together a suitcase of essentials and planning to flee Fairchild just because some idiot JIA agent was...
Task Force - Epilogue
"This meeting is called to order to review the incidents which lead up to and followed the termination of the Special Assignments Team. There are some questions this committee has for you...
Task Force - Prologue
This is the sequel to my story [b][url=]The Academy[/url][/b]. Though it is not necessary, I strongly recommend reading The Academy before reading Task Force...