20 Tread
It is one thing to be in a land full of dangerous predators. It is another still to be knee-high to a mouse and needing to fear the tread of creatures chasing prey many times your size. Every trip out of your lair - a small alcove in a towering...
19 Sling
It was with a heavy sigh that I moved on. All I could do was sling my bag over my shoulder and keep moving along the road. I'd been traveling for nearly two weeks, trying to make it to a city where I might have time to rest in the relative luxury of...
18 Misfit
The world was originally made for humans. Adapting to anthros was a challenge, but something society copied with well enough. Chairs needed holes for tails and some shirts needed to be designed for wings, but in general things went on as usual. Then...
17 Ornament
Loskra hummed to herself as she worked in her lab, mixing one alchemical substance with another, then waiting to see if the results were as she had hoped. She'd been working at this for a while and was very nearly done, just in time for the...
16 Wild
It was a simple enough concept: transportation by much larger creatures. Why walk yourself when you could instead hitch a ride on a Kaiju? Turns out, there are plenty of reasons why. For those upon the transport, it was quite the wild ride as they...
15 Legend
Out in the vast desert in the middle of a continent, near and otherwise unassuming oasis, sat a dragon. A thousand years ago, when this was just a stop on a trading caravan, the dragon would invite travelers to stay a while and share a story. In return...
14 Overgrown
It was a place largely untainted by modern civilization. A few relics of the past could be found here or there, but this section of rainforest was overgrown and had reclaimed any space which had once been lost. As with the flora, the fauna, too, were...
13 Ash
It started with a simple misunderstanding. A few words, poorly chosen at a difficult time. It created a resentment that smoldered, getting just a little hotter with every subsequent misinterpretation of something that, on its own, would be...
12 Dragon
They say dogs have owners and cats have staff. Dragons, on the other paw, have a union to support them. Dozens of kobolds, taking care of the dragon's every need and being taken care of in turn. Given that a typical dragon will have hoarded more...
11 Snow
Though those from northern climates are well acquainted with snow, the south is far less familiar with such weather. One particularly chilly January, the port town of Bexley experienced something they hadn't borne witness to in a generation:...
10 Pattern
One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. The electronic music fired up at the beginning of the show. Pyrotechnics showered the stage as the performer began the act. A steady pattern underlined the beginning of the set, with a slowly evolving...
09 Swing
"Be gone, foul demon!" the cleric shouted, wildly swinging his staff at the creature with black hide before him. "Oh you poor fool," Osimaret responded. The demonic narwhal watched for a moment before casually grabbing the cleric's staff in one hand...