Despite All My Rage - Part IV
Despite All My Rage - Part IV Micheal burst out of the bathroom like a greyhound from its cage. Panic nipped at his heals like wolves snapping at a rabbit. He could not believe he had forgotten about Christy. She was hopefully still...
Life, Love, and Facebook
02 - Life, Love, and Facebook Morning crested over the trees and brought the end to what Old Mother Mulda felt had to be an odd mushroom induced dream. An aching stiffness had been the introduction to every morning for the past three decades but the...
05 - Luna’s Call
_"Quilliam ... Quilliam ..."_ The voice echoed through the fields as the purple darkness rolled in to crush out the light of day. The grasslands sprawled in every direction ... spreading into the vastness of infinity. Unreachable goals ......
04 - White Walls
The morning sun crashed through dreams of dragons chasing ponies through the streets of Canterlot and burned away the fog of a fitful night. Blue Shield could hear the morning revelry and he moved instinctively to his window to face the flag. His hoof...
03 - R&R
"Why the long face, Sarge?" Green River asked as his squad leader sank into the steaming tub without armor. A groan of releasing tension oozed out of him and he dunked his head under the water for several seconds before coming back up for air. "Did...
02 - Reporting In
"State your business!" "None of yours," Green River snorted at the muscle bound Clydesdale of an Earth pony who guarded the front gate of the city. "At ease, colts," Blue Shield spoke sternly as the stallions eyeballed each other defiantly. A...
01 - One Job
A gust of sulfurous heat was Sergeant Blue Shield's first hint that his carefully laid out plans had not survived first contact with the enemy. It was an old military truth every soldier joked about and every leader dreaded, but there it was, staring...
Under The Quiet Moon - III - 01/20/2011
**Under The Quiet Moon - III** The storm raged on, filling the night with a life all its own. Tears gushed into her eyes but were wiped clean by nature's hand. The nightmares were real... claiming victims. Angela was one of them now, and Elizabeth......
The three parts of a story are Characters, Presentation, and Plot. An interesting book called "The Energy of Delusion" told me that all of the great stories have already been told. Shakespeare also said this, and now he's a legend. Then a really...
The three parts of a story are Characters, Presentation, and Plot. As a rabid role player, characters and their personalities are the most important part of any of my stories. Get a couple of well-defined characters into a room together and let them...
Chapter 8 - Twilight Moon
Gloom Weaver's walk-in closet had a series of full-length mirrors that allowed anypony standing inside of it to see themselves from every angle. There had been very few mirrors in the Everfree Forest so Scootaloo had not seen herself like this since...
Under The Quiet Moon - 3 - 02/22/2016
The storm raged on, filling the night with a life all its own. Tears gushed into her eyes but were wiped clean by nature's hand. The nightmares were real and claiming victims. _Angela is one of them now, and Elizabeth ..._Her lover's bite itched,...