Raiyev Part 18

"Where are they keeping this place, anyway?" Dr. Harper asked as Raiyev carried her through the forest. They had been traveling for many hours, and Raiyev had silently blessed the clouds blocking out the moonlight, making his travel in hidden darkness...

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Raiyev Part 17

_What do the humans want with me?_ Raiyev pondered as he plodded alongside the stretch of highway, keeping behind the dense row of trees, his back bent so that he wouldn't be spotted above the smaller trees. It was the dead of night, and though the...

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Raiyev Part 16

"I can't leave without Brad," Raiyev pleaded desperately to the diminutive Dr. Frost as she fumbled with the thin glass plate that opened one of the walls to Raiyev's cell. She stared at him a moment, a certain hasty panic in her eyes. "You have...

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