Chapter Nine - A Day In The Woods

THREE WEEKS LATER I sighed, sitting up on the couch. I still couldn't believe that Ben had caught us mating... I mean, we weren't even doing it yet, we were about to. I was in position and everything, and he just HAD to come walking by and see us......

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Chapter Seven - Through Electra's Eyes

Author's note: This is currently empty, as the original file was lost due to complications a while back. I stil have yet to rewrite this chapter. However, you aren't missing anything by skipping over this.

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Chapter Six - I Understand Now

As I opened my eyes, I heard various noises, including the front door opening, which I bolted upright in response to, wide awake. "Guys! Time to eat!" Ben said as he opened a cabinet and pulled out two cans. "BEN!" I shouted as I came running out...

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Chapter One - A Shocking Experience

Chapter 1 Droplets of sweat slowly trickled down Brian's forehead and into his eyes as he sit slumped against a tree, scribbling something down in his notes. Annoyed and exhausted, he reached up and wiped the sweat away with the sleeve of his right...

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Chapter Three - Try To Understand

There were two doors. One on the outside, then one on the inside with a space inbetween them. Sighing, I realized that this would be harder than I previously thought. The knob was way too high for me to reach. Maybe if I jumped I could reach it. ...

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Chapter Two - A Change For The Better

I opened my eyes. It was dark out. A cool breeze blew past me, and I shivered, sitting up. I noticed that something was holding my legs down, and I gazed down at what appeared to be a tree root, deliberately dug up by something, and wrapped around my...

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Chapter Eight - Damnit Electra!

"This place reminds me of home." I said as I followed Kevin down the hallway, "Eh... A little I guess." He said as we approached the elevators, and he pushed the down button. 'So how does food work around here anyway? Do we just go down and eat...

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Chapter Seven - What Now?

I awoke feeling surprisingly good despite what had just happened the previous day. I sat up, looking around as I slowly got to my feet. Everything seemed really quiet. To my surprise, I wasn't laying in a library anymore, but rather on a bed, a...

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