Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Chapter 18

works on here. \*\*\* the next few days were uneventful for blueberry as he carried on with his duties being on sentry duty during the ni-frith and fu-inle silflay for his mark.

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Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Chapter 11

works on here. \*\*\* blueberry slowed down as he came to another fence that separated the fields.

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Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Chapter 8

works on here. \*\*\* captain hawk, blueberry and balm were tearing across the field as they could hear behind them the sound of the hedge being torn apart as the fox went through, followed by the hounds and then jumping over, came the men on their horses

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No Growing In The Library

No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by u.s. copyright law.

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Aberration, Part 4 - Received

I was only recently reminded of this site so i'll be migrating all my written work over here. the grym prelature would be the nayre dominion's timeless rival, a superpower in equal measure.

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Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Chapter 17

works on here. \*\*\* the journey back to efrafa was a very quiet affair, the whole patrol could sense the anger that was welling up from within woundwort that most had subconsciously backed away from their leader as the outskirts of efrafa approached.

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Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Chapter 3

works on here. \*\*\* blueberry came to a stop at the edge of the grass where it was just moist dark soil in front of him with patches of leaves sticking out from the ground.

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Towering Strength - Dragon TF

A commission for :foxgamer01icon: featuring a tf of himself into a dragon sona of his, featuring characters from his own written works.

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Healing the Soul Chapter Three

She sat back in her seat, clutching the written works like they were precious jewels and a glint in her eye that zel couldn't figure out, "you are one awesome wolf, zel."

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Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Chapter 6

works on here. \*\*\* bracken-rah kept coughing as he talked to himself, the tharn-ness was fully with him now.

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Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Chapter 19

works on here. \*\*\* frith was still hidden from view as the rabbits under the command of woundwort carried on their way across the field.

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