love your little puppy pt 2

am i kidding he says he likes skye as i lay out the blanket i think i have to have hope that he likes me and i wait chases p.o.v fuck im late!

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So who am i interviewing? silver: h...humphrey... sombra: who? silver: from alpha and omega!

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Mystic Woods Ch. 2

"alright then," the monarch smiled, sitting up tall and wiping her eye one last time, "if you're so erudite, then tell me; who am i to befriend? who am i to trust with the task of reteaching me to be amicable?"

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Suncrest - Chapter 5

Chapter 5 - who am i? a clear bottle dropped on the table. "feast your eyes, gi," tea declared. "this is gonna make us invincible."

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Blood Destiny

**blood destiny** who am i you ask i am him the one you fear your nightmare you wish to see my face that won't happen all you see is blood blood of my victims yes, i crave this blood it's so juicy and sweet you should watch

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Sweet Revenge

who am i kidding she probably doesn't even miss me anyway. thus distracted he didn't notice the wall of fur in front of him getting bigger until wam!! as the airbags deflated he was able to look out the windows and see what he had hit.

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This is Me...

But who am i? that answer is a riddle... how do i answer that question then? just like any other question... but what if i don't know who i am? why shouldn't you? because i can't answer the question of life and why not? because...


Research Log [#010]

Also, previously stable protogens have for some reason started failing for unknown reasons... who am i kidding... they are dying. more than 10 died within a day! that's not natural! at least, not for these previously healthy protogens.

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Circus of the Damned

who am i you ask....well...i am now your only family, your only friend i lead you here to my circus.... the ringmaster this realm is my domain....the shadows slither with my performers and we wait..

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A Start to A New End

"who am i? i am bluestar, the long forgotten leader of thunderclan. what is thunderclan you ask? see that thickly covered territory in oak trees with lush long grass? that is thunderclan.

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By The Campfire

who am i talking to? the campfire i was screaming at crackled in response.

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