Changing With Time - Chapter One

You can't even protect yourself cause you're weak, you're a damn waste of time wench." the tears had finally begun to fall, her heart breaking even more if that was even possible. "fine then you jerk!

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What If Animals Could Talk

"oh, right, you always could, though i personally think all these words are a big waste of time. sniff a butt and you'll know all you need to know about a person." "three minutes," the set director said from somewhere.

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Inferno High - Chapter 20

Where as everyone else found it boring and a waste of time, me and alex were like kids in a candy store. when we stepped off the bus, the smell of tar and grease filled our lungs. the other kids made gagging sounds and acted like they were choking.

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Continued Exchange, Part 7

A complete waste of time." scar didn't respond and for a moment, it looked like she was going to get away with it. but then, "what's that?" he asked. "what's what?" "that." he gestured to the coconut. "oh that...

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Land of the Lawless: Chapter 1

To support this sfww, there's a patreon: and a ko-fi at: "where are you going to start with this waste of time?" "now, now, no need to be pushy."

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A princely apology (prologue)

waste of time. they won't listen to any-" he paused. something about the feline seemed to steal his attention away. "what's that, in there?" he asked pointing at the bundle carried on olivian's shoulder. "let me see."

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Hypnovember Day 12 - Program

Truth be told, chance was almost at the 'sour grapes' stage, eager to discount the arcade machine as a waste of time. it would take a lot to impress him now. "let me know what ya think!"

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Study Group

Personally i think studying is a waste of time. if you can't remember something from a week ago what's the chance of remembering it 12 hours from now with a hundred other things at the same time?

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Twisted Whispers And Twisted Sisters, Part II

It was an excellent waste of time, and an excuse to chat with ken. we knew each other from high school, but he was a sophomore when i graduated. it'd been two years since we last spoke. "eh, metal and gothic rock."

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 12)

Gussying them up is just a waste of time if they should never be seen." "fine, but then you should really tie a bow around that stick up your ass." hafsa's ears flatten. "how would i do that if it's up my ass?" "it's long enough to peek out."

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Serval and Sheep Prologue: SIDE SERVAL

His reputation of being a total brick wall makes chumming it up with him a waste of time, effort, and resources.

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Core Memory / The Nesting Experience

"it's definitely a waste of time. why would i spend so much time keeping my wing over an egg when it can just go in a nesting box? machines make things easier."

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