Pandemic-Day 37 6:52 AM 1/1/2023-Chapter 7-New Year's Day

I woke around seven o'clock the next morning. At first, I thought the past few days may have just been a dream, but it was realizing my vest was at the foot of my sleeping bag that had jolted me back into the unwelcome reality that today was just...

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Pandemic-Day 36 11:43 AM 12/31/2022-Chapter 6-Route Change

That night was the most comfortable I'd had in a while. The heat that came from the heater kept our small cubby like room warm even as the temperature dipped outside while our long clothes and high grade camping mats kept us insulated. I was almost too...

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Pandemic-Day 35 7:15 AM 12/30/2022-Chapter 5-Camping...Sort Of

For the first time since we'd started this trip, I woke up without a general stiffness throughout my body. I had discovered in Delta Force that cold water had a knack for relaxing tense muscle, which is why my Dad and I always took cold showers after...

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Pandemic-Day 34 1:15 PM 12/25/2022-Chapter 4-Bandit

"There's someone up there",Raf said sounding kind of shocked. To be completely honest, I was as well. Raf and I watched from the truck as the kid stood out in front of the barricade, observing the area underneath the bridge. He also seemed to have...

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Pandemic-Day31 5:15 AM 12/22/2022-Chapter 2-Snowed In

I woke the next morning to a dark, chilly hotel room. My entire body was stiff, it was partly from the cold, but mostly from haven driven for sixteen hours the night before. I stretched out a little bit before I sat up, looking around the dark room....

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The Origin Of Loud Eyes-Part 1

Dylan, born in the year 1998, was born into a cruel world, infested of the disease of violence, drugs, and abandonment. The young Husky-Dragon hybrid lived with his mother in his early years. He wasn't taken care of very well, unloved, unnurtured. His...

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Im try show the journey of one tribe to the sefty land. im hope you like it. begining. 21 december 2012. maj said in that day the world gonna end. the are wrong. that is only begining.

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Chapter Seven - What Now?

I awoke feeling surprisingly good despite what had just happened the previous day. I sat up, looking around as I slowly got to my feet. Everything seemed really quiet. To my surprise, I wasn't laying in a library anymore, but rather on a bed, a...

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Day 38 3:49 AM 1/2/2023-Chapter 8-Empty Road

I was stirred at around four AM the next morning by what sounded like thunder. That was loud, was it thunder, or a gunshot? I wiggled out of my sleeping bag and grabbed my flashlight and handgun. The welcome center was dark to the point of almost being...

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New Dawn: The Journey Begins

the journey begins** matt: the air was warm and the sounds of children laughing could be heard as zeke and i walked up the driveway to the tucker household. it was late may now and zeke had been invited to little toby's birthday.

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The Guardians: Backgrounds, Soren J Lennon

Guardianship backgrounds #3 Soren J. Lennon Biography: Name, Soren Jamillo lennon Age, 32 Human Years. Height, 6'1. Anthro, canine. Breed, Foxen. Weapon, a dark blue metaled light Broadsword with a yellow leather handle. Normal clothing:...

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The Ancient War

**_The Ancient War_** _Run on pure imagination_ Are you ready? Good. My name is June. I am here to tell you a long forgotten story. A story about war. What? You want to know the reason I'm telling you this? Well that's very simple. A far worse war...

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