File #4
#4 of star trek: warrior - atlantis the adventures of the u.s.s. warrior file #4 space was silent...
File #12 - "Instincts"
#12 of star trek: warrior - legacy file #12 - "instincts" commander val'sha attempted to pull the broken plasma conduit from the bridge of the victorious.
File #8 - "Gravestone"
#8 of star trek: warrior - legacy val'sha is forced to repair the damaged victorious by a dangerous enemy. file #8 - "gravestone" commander val'sha struggled in muraco's grip as she stood in the turbolift.
File #5 - "Discovery"
#5 of star trek: warrior - legacy the crew of the warrior board the victorious to investigate. file #5 - "discovery" "captain's log...
File #4 - "Test Your Metal"
#4 of star trek: warrior - legacy captain nicholson must pull himself together to protect his crew. file #4 - "test your metal" "captain!"
File #3 - "Echoes"
#3 of star trek: warrior - legacy the crew of the warrior are attacked by an unknown force. file #3 - "echoes" "i'm not sure what to make of this?"
File #2 - "Shadows"
#2 of star trek: warrior - legacy the crew of the warrior try to make sense of their new mysterious passenger. file #2 - "shadows" "captain's log... stardate: 180106 point 8 the warrior has encountered the wreckage of the u.s.s.
Episode 11: Enemy Me
Captain's Log Stardate: 348011.23 The Raptor, for once, has been assigned a non-combat mission. We have been sent to the planet Regellias IV to pick up a survey team. They have been evaluating Regellias' candidacy for terra-forming. The team...
From the Ashes
"Memories, much like stories or dreams, are only as reliable as the narrator recounting them." -Author ========================= From the Ashes IDP 2019, 2021 By Vakash Darkbane Edited By:...
Episode 17B: Phantasm
\* \* \* \* \* Phantasm Episode 17B, Special 11 IDP 2020 \* \* \* \* \* Fara awoke with a start. She was breathing heavily and her nightgown she slept clung to her. She threw her covers off and she struggled...
Episode 16: Immunity Crisis Pt. 1
Bear witness to the death of a world. A small emerging industrial world sat unaware of the danger approaching it. A black, undulating mass that blotted out the stars moved into its solar system. The planet's astronomers were fascinated by it when...
Episode 20: Resurgence
Bridge, U.S.S. Falcon "Commander, the Raptor's trail leads right into the Badlands," O'mara reported from the science station. "Well then, looks like we won't have a choice," Rivas huffed. "Lt. Ka, I take it your crew can make the modifications...