Venturing: Awaitor
My mental thoughts were snapped as i returned back into reality. shifting my head and meeting the eyes of my partner, the red dragon gave an assuring smile to me. his eyes beamed before lowering them onto another object that had required his attention.
Venturing: An One Each
The train of thoughts were cut into two when me and kyro heard a click and something started to hum forcing us to return to reality.
Tales From Switch City: Kickaha's Tale
Not nearly as powerful as the reality shift, but there was magic in the air. someone nearby was using the art.
Ookami no Sanctuary
Unlike the movies and dramas mankind made up to glorify or terrify themselves into believing was reality shifting into animal form was nothing impressive.
Starborne: New Beginnings - Sentio, Ergo Sum
"cassie... is there something you're not telling --" once more, reality shifted and changed just like it had while i was immersed in the iridescent's dream world.
Everwinter Ch35: Mote of Light
reality shifted with another jolt, but this time my nerves screamed in panic as something went wrong. it felt like missing a step while descending stairs. one moment you expect to hit the ground, and in the next you're walking on air.
A Play on Reality
If he had not been hypnotised, his sense of reality shifting as she forced him to fight his best friend, bolt may have recognised which movie that was from as it was one of the real rhino's favourites, but things were far too fraught right there and