August 6: Let’s take Ghost Pictures!

We arrived at the old school just as the sky was turning a deep blue and by the gate, we encountered shun-kun. the little wolf was so immersed in the game he was playing on his minrento ts that we had to tap him on the shoulder to notice us.


The hill

Family homes have been torn down and replaced, old schools change, friends die and are changed, but the hill remains constant; a single unmoving mass of earth and rock.

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Puppy Play Ch.1 - 4

At his old school, he had been on the sports team, as a long distance runner. it was that way he kept his body looking like it did. after 20 minutes, he arrived at the school. he was hardly out of breath.

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Canines' Autumn Ch. 7: Two-Player

\*\*\* evening came and ten was at shun's house, the two playing uchuu sensou ii, an old-school shoot-'em-up game with them in the asteroids stage.

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Aries and Vivian Part 1

It was may her bestie from her old school. "how's everything going?" may texted. vivian texted back. "highschool is sooooo boring!" she sent her the text and jogged over to coach gunter.

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The Other Dragon World: Chapter 14

"i'm old school! i haven't been alive to see the whole fucking time jump! now tell me or i'll really make your head blow!"

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Student Exchange

A bit more fantastic than what yang was learning in his old schools. but... yang doesn't really have any experience with magic himself. but that's okay. they're willing to let him start his lessons from the very beginning.

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Scratch Post 1 - Inner Editor

Get a notepad and a pen and write old-school. write out your draft long form and then input it into your word processor later. of course, your pen can still scratch words out and make corrections.

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Middle School: In the beginning

It has been only two weeks since my transfer from my old school, two weeks since my parents asked me to come live with them.

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Chapter 2

He talks a little more about his old school and town, i am really relieved that he can talk and i can just listen. i'm not good at making conversation, but i'm a decent listener, so this could work out. he looks down at his phone. "shute!

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New Friends with No Faces

.> ever since the night that radcliffe had pulled him out that hopeless sea of anger and hate he had let himself become, he grown so close to radcliffe he felt more love for that cat than any of his old school friends.

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