
These times are hard, yes they are the sun seems to set so far for such a close bright star never has a day been so bizarre for my fragile heart i go into my car to find my broken parts and try find a new start some nights are cold, as i was once told

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Behind Every Cover

Then there will be ones of growth, happiness, friends, family and goals that you will complete behind every cover is the start of something new behind every cover is a page behind every cover there is a new start behind every cover...

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This child was the gods last hope at peace, they chose the name nexus for the child, the name meant 'a new start' i hope you liked ladies and gent's. i might continue this but i'm quite busy doing other things!


The Story Of A Hero. 3.

Btw if you're new, start from the intro :) and a hint which will make this tale very special is that there is "special" words in here and i made them easy to spot out. remember them and you'll kill yourself when you reach the plot twists... uh maybe...

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My lost love

And it doesn't take a special time to make a new start, it takes only desire and true love from the heart.

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The Start

The fresh air of a new start.

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Chapter 1 : I Bite

._** # **_ _**** _ as i drive into the new town i look around knowing that this is a new start and i hope that nothing will go wrong like last time.


2 Of My Poems

Sadness overwhelms one's heart never to find that brand new start surrender to the consumption art stomach bloated they laze and fart look around and turn a blind eye pretending there's a clean blue sky all the while standing by all the while

This is a real recurring dream I have. Please analyse 'til your face turns blue :)

A new start, not in the light, but further into the soft, warm, accepting darkness. then i wake up and have to get out from under the duvet, eat breakfast, and get on with my life.

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Requiem of the Blue Moon

--chapter one-- --a new start to the same old thing-- "no!" ... --chapter one-- --a new start to the same old thing-- "no!" i screamed, wailing myself up from the recurring nightmare. i have been having that dream for almost two years now.

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The Ancient Bronie - pilet - The Great Purge

The great purge wiped out almost all of our species to help give earth a new start, help it recover from the grievances over mining and pollution we had caused.

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Apartment. 615 b: Chapter 1

"this is it" jack thought, "a new start in a new city" jack turned the key slowly and pushed open the door with his paw. laid out before him was an expanse of wood floor and for some reason, vaulted ceilings.

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