My Life as a Dragon Slave Book 2 Prologue

My brothers and sisters all live in separate parts of the island. smaller islands are accompanied by them as well. my parents are on one of them and so are my hatchlings.

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Aria's Tale- Chapter 2 *Father Roehns*

The brother and sister entered into a small, low ceilinged room. a plain wooden table lay in the center of the room, with two long benches on either side for sitting.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 96 - If She Haddaway

As soon as the bell rang, the school burst with noise. Shoes scampered and squeaked across the roughly-polished tile, and like a tipped glass of milk the students began spilling through the doors and spreading about the courtyard. Buses tooted and...

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A new start Chapter 2: Friendship

. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " that's about it you guys," rayne said, sitting in front of his brother's and sisters headstone.

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Of Dragons and Dragonslayers Part 1

Their new clutch recently hatched and i've helped them take care of my new brothers and sisters. i loved my family, and i was content with my life.

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TSB chapter 12

Rain said off from the side as the rest of her brother and sisters scrambled off to claim their rooms. thanking sirblood profusely, for they had never had a room to call their own before! "yeah rain?"

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Ten More Days

I stood in front of them while my brothers and sisters tried to get underground to the tunnels. as far as i know, they did. i mean, i haven't met any of them over here yet, so they must still be alive. me?

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Ardring - Chapter 6

The family, the brothers and sisters, the life that he once had, and now, seemed like he had lost so long ago.

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Pokemon: Big Bang Break Episode 1 - Intro the Pokemoprh World

and sisters that all cell phones, i-phone or watch be on during my lession plan understand?"

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Stonewall (poem)

God bless my brothers and sisters of the,


Part 1: Raising Ruby

My brothers and sisters immideatly started fighting over whom should get the vulpix "dad, i want it" i said above the clamor of my siblings. "why should you get it?"

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They can be brothers, sisters, or brother and sister. forgotten have two special abilities as opposed to one.

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