Flea Bitten. Chapter One.
Dressed in fully body suits of metal and steel and others dressed in a dull gray rubber, dark helmets hiding their faces within. hunters, scientists, and the man in white, stared down at him as the dark clouds continued to weep above.
The Early Morning Rays
The snug ebon body-suit mostly hidden in a granite-shaded cloak, save a gauntlet-clad hand that rolled a pair of seemingly innocent glass orbs between his bare fingers casually.
A Lykan 1
It was some kind of full-body suit, covering everything but his head, which was covered in dark hair and getting matted down by the water falling.
Airline Food for the Soul
One size fits all, my tail . . . " she continues to struggle with the unwieldy thick acrylic body suit, slipping her tail into the sleeve and yanking hard to pull it up to her chest.
Through the Looking Glass: Chapter 11
She ran straight for her boots as she adjusted her body suit. "what happened?" asked banjo as he got out of bed, pulling his shorts up as he stood up. "tails disappeared, apparently," said the bat. "and now amy is asking for us to find him."
Evil at Blackwood Manor
Or rather, a body suit that was given the look of armor. it's actually pretty cheap. on his hands are gloves that look like gauntlets, one hand holding a pillowcase and the other holding a rubber gray wolf mask.
Aftermath - Reunion
She was wearing a thin body suit made of some material with a complicated weave pattern. it covered her legs, torso, and upper arm. she wore a belt and two holsters which strapped around her thighs.
Thrilling Heroics: Ofenna's Calamitous Costume Caper
The accessories would help, boots, gloves, even a body-suit for starters, and that's just what she was sure on. lacking any staggering powers herself, she would have to rely on her above average acrobatics and tools to see her way to victory.
The Jaws of Hell
The voice's source revealed itself as a figure dressed in a black, full-body suit. the figure seemed to gracefully melt from the tree and hit the ground on one knee, rising slowly.
The Sum Of Good Things
He could see her prepping the armored body suit for him. "we can't get to your suit, and you'll fit in this one if you squeeze." corky ignored her operator, hurrying to do what she could to enlarge the interior of the mpa.
Velocity Raptor (Ch. 1)
Air tanks, body suits, decontamination suite, the works. this landing craft has a fully operational mutation suite, so that we can make modifications after we touch down." that sounded a bit better than what i'd expected, honestly.
An Old Story - a war story of unreality
Pretty much he was fully dressed already in the winter camouflage white insulated body suit. it was hell trying to find your pecker in the thing.