Chapter 8: Home is Where The C Wing is

The wolven warrior sighed, then said. "alright jeeve you have invoked my compassion. i will help you."_ _"what?"_ _"you heard me. i will help you find your rabbit friend." jeeve looked at her incredulously, then laughed saying. "you're joking right?!

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One Single Day: Wolfess

wolven tactics weren't designed to be individual; it was well known that wolfs worked best in a group. she'd need to face the alpha after running off like that, he was likely already tracking her, but why wouldn't he?

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Love's Constrictions. pt1 A Perfect Counterpart.

Almost 150 years ago, she simply turned up, her egg brought home by a wolven hunting party. she had no knowledge of her family or people, and no way of knowing where she had come from.

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There were the normal wolven arguments over some parts of the body which were quickly resorted with a curl of the lip, flash of fangs and a snap. suddenly the alpha stopped his partake in the feast raising his bloody head sniffing the air.

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ROI: The Pale Snow - Chapter 4

The wolven matriarch repeated, firmly, plainly. no obvious trace of warning or venom from her voice. doran came to relax somewhat by her plastered grin. gerrie took up another page. "my father told me much about angron and his exploits."

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 59

Renna was just a child in wolven eyes, but in size and stature she was closer to an adult fox. and what if - _just thread the goddam needle!_ bethany took one breath. just one, single breath... and began.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 111

Forgoing the spoon (it was too small for his thick wolven fingers to hold anyway) he took a sip of piping hot soup straight from the bowl. it was rabbit, and it was delicious. "hey, dekori?" torjo nudged him in the ribs. "what?"

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 43: A Chance to Try Again

It was pretty much founded by wolves for the most part, so it conformed to wolven culture. the streets were wide and the buildings had more space between them without sacrificing walkability and greenery. "you got accepted in that store?"

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Cold Blood 11: Cut Deep

** "a minotaur, a wolven, a jaguen, an old book, an accursed weapon ... no, lord green, i'm not taking the risk that this spell was human-developed or simple.

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Twisted Fate Prologue

As for what breed it exactly belonged to, its kind was unmistakably of the wolven side. of course, more would be known about this specimen once they shaved it down and blood samples were tested to see its genetic makeup.

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Wolfpack Core - Chapter 7 - Countdown to Mayhem

"you'd probably let your natural wolven instincts take over and just completely block out everyone else." "... you know me too well, spike." "you haven't changed a bit, rei. you're still as predictable as ever.

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A New Dawn - Chapter 3 (Home Coming)

I headed deep into wolven territory, and on the rovarian plains near a watering hole i saw her. she was alone. she was bathing. i stopped dead in my tracks when i saw her, her red fur was gorgeous, i had never seen any female as beautiful as her.

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