Wake Up Alarm (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The deer came to with the brittle haze of hibernation heavy in her thoughts, the dull alarm tone of the travel sleep pod making a rhythmic request for her attention. With a bit of a shake, Catherine opened her eyes to take in the situation. ~ "Mains...

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Drop Off Point (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Under the haze of a moonless night, a dragon and kobold lingered outside of their car a short distance outside the fence line of the space port. After such a tiring journey, it was hard to be anxious even about the risky leg that followed. ~ "And...

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Well Planned Theft (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The customs check was without the crowds that gathered during any sort of rush as the dragon approached, his fine tailored suit a patchwork of dignity and wrinkles from the flight. With a quiet gait of tired he stepped up to the only check officer on...

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Overconfidence of Youth and Flame (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The phoenix turned in her chair and gave the Synth a long stare and a sigh as he entered the tucked away room. ~ "I must've done a fine job today, what with this meeting with tha boss, no?", mused the phoenix. ~ The Synth simply glared as he...

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Theatrics Under Dinner (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The kobold's armor was gleaming with the reflections of the bright lights above, the gray wooden sword held firmly to his grasp. All around, the crowds of customers were cheering with excitement at each of his lunges and feints. Down in the dirt and...

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Buttoned Up Hero (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The kobold's gaze did not leave the screen, patches of colors glistening in the reflected glow of his scales. His hands and fingers were a nimble blur across the controls, his focus entirely muting out the mixture of music, yelling, and other sundry...

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Now Dispensing Hunger (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Having watched his only coins vanish into the void of the vending machine's endless yawn, the kobold glared with the vigor of hunger and desperation at the bag of chipto-discs. They dangled precariously from the hook, declining to fall.

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Diplomacy on the Casino Floor (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Whenever Detective Clip found herself traveling to a location that was a proper touristing destination, it was always her preference to travel lightly. For this particular occasion, she'd managed to keep to a moderate backpack and an arrival during...

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Lunch by Venn Diagram (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The badger's stomach grumbled loudly as she looked up from her phone. "Okay. So, I don't see anything that's obviously great for all of us, so I'll start listing the places that might work?", tapping at her screen a bit, "Say something if there's a...

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Stale, but free, Ice (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The morning's spattering of light was splayed out across the parking lot and desert beyond, as Jake sat on the bed of the motel room to watch out through the open window. The dragon was still sore from the previous day's drive, and the coffee he'd...

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Mail Drop Temple (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Out in backwater colonies where there weren't niceties like satnav or paved roads, Detective Clip always found a bit of charm to rumbling down a gravel and dirt road on the back of a growling motorcycle. There wasn't too much of a hurry to it, and...

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Warm hum of anxious night (Otherwise Untitled)

The gryphon's knuckles were starting to ache and she wasn't sure who's blood she was tasting; in the din of the street light she'd just about trade her badge for another pair of handcuffs.

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