Zootopia: First Salvo Chapter 7

She embraced the female polar bear then shook the paw of the older son before taking the toddler bear in her arms and giving him a kiss on the head.... "mrs. rook? how are you holding up?"

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All Grown Up - and Not

Flush green leaves fluttered and rustled gently in an early summer breeze; all around a wide-open playground. A scent of freshly mowed grass hung over the park, providing an inviting atmosphere to many cubs and their parents out to enjoy the day....

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Tiny Primal Problem

They are also toddlers now, not a day over three. "so we're really gonna try to fix it this time?" zeelo asked. "most definitely probably!" calex responded with a grin.

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The Analogy of the Tail

The match only began to slow down reached the age of toddlers. moving around was a bit harder now, and it made it difficult to charge, grapple or pin each other. not that they stopped trying.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 39

It must look like a giant, wobbly wheel, or maybe a toddler's drawing of a birthday cake, and why was she thinking of something so stupid when there was a crying child somewhere out here!?

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Chisagi Fore Hire

Three, you're a toddler... so i'd prefer you not do that. anything beyond would leave you an infant." he knelt down to offer the potion to zeelo. "i see." at zeelo's smaller size he had to hold the potion flash with two paws.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 150

She hurled herself onto the sheet as far as she could manage, looking for all the world like a toddler trying to clamber out of its crib. "aisa!" she called, peering through the smoke on the other side, already beginning to feel the heat on her stomach.

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The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act2/Chapter3

Resting right beside the skull, clutched tightly between the little boy's fingers like a toddler's stuffed animal, was yet another of his forefather's ancestral stereotypes; an enormous femur bone.

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Two Half's one Trinity: Just the Two of us in One.

Ahahaha, you know this old man loves to be free, and you used to love when i only wore a towel when you were a toddler.

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He is dressed like a toddler, complete with diaper. he looks younger, maybe twelve or thirteen years old. little tufts of fur are sprouting from his ear tips, and his front teeth are larger than they should be.) i don't know what's happening to me.

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Filling the Void - Chapter Nineteen

Giving a warning to a man like you is like counting to three with a toddler," he went on. "it's a waste of time, so we'll just start with number three." he chuckled at some private joke. "they say it feels like being on fire."

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All Things Quiet And Sweet 15 - You Created This, James

The older male voice began talking to a very young child, a toddler even. _"hey there li'l fella...shhh...it's okay...come 'ere, bailey'll look after ya." "m-mummy?"

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