The Dread Grimoire: Chapter One

He carried a red backpack, filled with his textbooks and papers for his classes, as well as his comic books, sketch pads, and pet projects. looking around at the large dark buildings and the cloudy sky, roman admired the somber scenery.

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Soi Brothas: Part 5 and 6 - A Plan for Obese People

What played was roughly 2 minutes of a comedy sketch, a review of a terrible 1960s blaxploitation film.

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What is Love? - Part 4: Living?

Daniel couldn't help but smile as he watched a rough sketch of paw prints push away the dew, leaving a rugged paw print behind him. _now that i can think straight, i can argue against myself on why this can be good,_ daniel thought to himself.

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ARK - Chapter 1

Kai walked inside and looked around at the sketches and paintings that adorned the walls. "you still indulge in these queer hobbies, son? i thought you would have grown out of painting."

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The Hope Future Holds - Gift for The Cuddling Fox

The novel was fine for that, nothing too complex after all; a prose that was simple, characters that were sketched well enough, the mystery of the murders... the perfect, time-consuming activity.

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Toni's Diary Entry #2 - The Key to Success

She loved to color and sketch. and finally, this one girl who we'll refer to as myra. this girl mostly stayed to herself; she worked on her homework a lot, but she would join our conversations now and then.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 65

There would be no more sketching, no more talking, no more building, no more preparing of any kind. this was it. ander's hand crept up to the ram's horn hanging from his neck.

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Strange and Wonderful Things: Auspices

Until we meet again, gül bahçesi. " a signature in which only a large capital 't' could be picked out concluded the note, and a map to his apartment was sketched on the back. a slow grin stretched my lips.

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Student Body Chapter 5

Toni was giddy with anticipation and focusing heavily on her work indulging herself in old sketches and ideas from her design books. alex had gone home with a bottle of fur dye and his clothes. toni and tristan thought his under reaction was a bit odd.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 66

There would be no more sketching, no more talking, no more building, no more preparing of any kind. this was it. ander's hand crept up to the ram's horn hanging from his neck.

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MoonDust, Chapter 13

Sergeant hendricks stepped forward and sketched a salute. "sergeant robert hendricks. you must be our ride?" he extended his hand. the wolf shook it without bothering to return the salute. "jack schuld. i'm the xo out at pons. this is gwen flores."

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The Rivalry

Sam began carefully sketching out a tight purple ninja-like outfit. he made 9 different drafts of it, until he made one he finally liked. he soon headed out to a local shop to buy all the materials he'd need to sew the costume together.

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