Late Pleistocene

The puma looked really grumpy at first, but was overall a very nice fellow. "mornin' miss bucksley. dr. lurchi." he tipped his gray cap, giving the two scientists a smile. "how can i help ya?" linda smiled at him.

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She thought it might be darren, a puma friend of andy's she had only met a couple of times. she didn't like him much if she was honest, tolerating him only because he was andy's friend.

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Because We Have Wings

The puma advanced another step. "he is here." "he's back in the house."

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Facts- he can bench 200 pounds he is bisexual but sometimes or tends to act gay he is right handed with his blood type being o+ his favorite color is dark green his voice is deep and sometimes ever speaks allen is a cougar a year younger than him his parents


A Complicated Thing

I get up from the table and turn to see my sleepy cougar behind me. his eyelids were drooped, one arm hugging himself, the other rubbing an eye. i smile. i forgot how cute he looks with those pajamas on.

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Into the Africa Exhibit

The cougar was glad she worked in a zoo that closed at five. she'd hate to work until eight like her boyfriend jake. at least that gave her three hours before she had to listen to him complain about his day. "erin," a voice sang.

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A Soldier's Heart Chapter Seven: John

Within that same minute, the officer, a black cougar who had accompanied me, opened the door and motioned for me to get out. i grabbed my bag from off of the floor and slung it over my shoulder.

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Hello Sweetie

Mufasa: a blind date with a cougar then. simba: dad. mufasa: now remember when your having sex always wear a condom and after your done throw it on the floor for your mother to pick up. simba: gross dad. mufasa: (singing) it's the circle of life.


Country Life

And why are older women called cougars when we all know their not cat's so hand me a beer and play another country song we'll drink the night away to "tuesday's gone" you can take a person out of the country but you can't take the country out of a person

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Mercurius Express — Prologue

Breathing a sigh of relief, the black panther turned to the cougar who was making his way towards him. trotting directly behind the cougar was a male lynx. both were draped in long, heavy coats and scarves wrapped their necks.

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mis furonas

Este es mi projecto de mis fursonas (fursonas) grupo 1 gato aviador liger blanco tankista oso polar barquero cocodrilo submarinista grupo 2 leopardo-chita(guepardo) aviador puma-pantera tanquista mamut

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Off Leash Chapter 9!

Oric, meet a titanic pain in the ass puma who is hungry, grumpy and probably wants to eat us both at the moment." "hey!" i protested. "tell me it ain't true." "well . . ."

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