While We Decompress

The result of paranoia?" "i'm not saying that. i'm just saying ... they've been tensed up, ready to run, ready to fight ... ready for whatever ... for so long," the squirrel said, "that they're in perpetual waiting.

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The Temple of Tikal

Lighris began to dial back his paranoia about the strange men coming after volcan. it didn't seem like they would make any move while he was in a public place, and he was able to keep working.

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Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 2

You'll start shooting people again from paranoia. captain morav tilson, i plead to your better nature. you brought me to chanteer years ago and my cargo. without my weaponry, you're country would still have pockets of humaran resistance.

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Temptation 11 - Break In

Glancing around to reassure my increasing paranoia that no one was around i reached for the device in my pocket. carefully setting the device to what i assumed was roughly the 30% mark.

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Ferret's Five - A Plan Revealed

You got to understand the weight of that responsibility they're under and the paranoia that they're feeling, especially after you do something like sign up for player card benefits."

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Ferret's Five - A Change in Venue

But if they want to move an entire venue because the boss man has a bout of paranoia, who am i to argue?"

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Commission: Zen & Marty: The Beginning

So, you know, paranoia sets in eventually." the two smiled at each other and returned to silence, but it felt better now. from the corner of his eye zen took in the details of marty's face.

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Cursed Ruins: chapter 1

"yeah... it's called your paranoia and man is it getting over the top." jae was about to shout at lagunta once again when a malevolent laughter was heard coming from the direction that jae just fired.

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MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 7

In the meantime, just don't let her paranoia rub off on you." he plucked a small yellow-orange fruit out of his bag and tossed it to the sereva with a wink. "for the hike. don't eat the skin." he then walked off to help the others finish packing up.

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Outcast - Chapter 22

Despite my mood and building sense of paranoia, i still couldn't help but chuckle as i moved to lock the door. that done, she grabbed my hand again and dragged me into the woods.


Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 10

Her father was the one who had built it, yes, diligently carving it out of anger and jealousy and paranoia and slowly bolting it to her soul with his authority, but he was long dead, and she was one who had chosen to wear it for so many years after the fact

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Steel Quest (Part 1): Welcome Aboard

Front),2 days travel rations (nuts, dried fruit, hardtack, and jerky), steel canteen (half full of water) skills: contortionist, engineer, sharp wit, psychic potential, martial artist, withstand pain, (young spirit) current status: stress: marginal social paranoia

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