Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 23
"and i've never heard you talk negatively about the library job." venti lazily waved a hand. "this is also true." "in fact, the only job you've said negative things about is working at cappuccinos." venti draped an arm around art. "the hours suck."
The Return to Moscow part 2
"here, by the abandoned library! i saw them! i know you have no use for books but there is something here that you might want to see."
[SFW] Squirrelly Days #011 - Teran
Teran: digressing, if you want to know what happened to my former mentor you should make a trip by the library and find some recent news about him. chyla: i understand. i'll be sure to stop by the library this evening once we're done.
Zara's Academy Life
Zara's academy life zara sat quietly in the library, earphones stuffed in his ears and his eyes fixated to the screen of his laptop.
A Blessing, or a Curse?
Panting, he quietly picks his chair up and sets it right, and exits the library.
The Siblings of Chaos Ch. 1
The library had exactly what you would expect to find in a library, books. all still in nearly pristine condition despite sitting in a cave for several generations.
Aurora: Chapter Three: The Preparations
But esme ends up finding much more than that, for within the library is a sethiran, a hyenalike monster. for years, the sethiran has been squatting in the abandoned library, doing all she could to make ends meet.
The Journal: Chapter I
The sun had become a dull orange by the time austin reached the library. he locked his bike to the rack and walked down the sidewalk, through the double doors of the library.
The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 3
Irda sat in the library, the old wolf across from him in his wheelchair. he had maintained his routine of rising early, but it had become harder now that he had new studies.
The Dark Masquerade Part #01
By the time they all reconvened in the library, things had calmed down considerably. the library was one of the oldest parts of the temple, being one of the few remaining buildings of the original model.
Color Me Mad
Kit pulls up in front of the first location: the library. outside are four white canvases; each held up by its own stand. kit and jasper hop out and open their cans.
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 18
Brian, he guessed, would be in a place like the library. terri was the hard one because he had no idea where she would go. he thought he might try her house since he heard her calling for her father.