"Daggers of Darkness, Book 4: An Unexpected Discovery", Chapter-3

Allen and leo were silent for a minute or so while they thought about the situation.

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DoC-Ep15-The Second wind-

And if it wasn't until joseph and leo performing a powerful combo hit they would have lost then and there . and then the team just passed out out of exhaustion when they got back to cole's place.

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leo had suggested that the team should train a bit as they were fighting kinda sloppy and that they have been fighting purely out of reflex. it was not until his suggestion that they learned that they could do elemental moves such as a power attack.

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Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 4

leo shone like a basking beacon eclipsing the canines head and sinking the rest of the person in deep shadow.

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DoC-Ep16-Training Part two now it's… stressful?-

Under the direction of leo the team had agreed to train again after nearly losing last time. however it was stressful this time around as the near fail of last time was looming over their heads.

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But we didn't see nothing and we were starting to get cold and wet which leo then said ",well, where is he? where's this decepticon you speak of prime?"

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Emotional Cuddling 2

"just tell me if leo's around, okay" said a relaxed but mildly nervous chase, "don't want him to throw a hissy fit." "he's right over there" flynn pointed o the door. chase nearly screamed and fell on the floor.

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DoC-Ep29-Summertime fun-

#29 of the defenders of crystal the start of the end in order to keep the mood high leo had suggested that they should all head to a waterpark a town over.

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Michael and Amanda, Chapter 11

leo until 0700 and breakfast is the most important meal of the day." michael looked at her for a couple of seconds before saying, "very well."

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Emotional Cuddling 3

More echo fanfic shenigans turns out leo did arrive, and chase and him got awkward but a few pointers from tj and sydney allowed them to remain good friends. jeremy and clint also came in, trying their earnest to reform from the drugs.

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The lone wolf (unfinished)

leo was still about sleep about sleep and she left him alone alone while she came up with the training for the night. never had she taught someone before so this was a new experience for her.


DoC-Ep12-The Second Ordeal-

It wasn't until leo noticed that there was someone who was pinned in a corner by one of the monsters, it was issac. and it wasn't until cole saved issac that he realized that he had special powers.

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