I gave a few warm up throws to the catcher, number 2 clint lopez, the latin bomber jaguar from guatemala we picked up during the off season. lopez and i had a certain chemistry you wanted from a pitcher/catcher duo.
Hurt, Trails and True Love (part two)
He is a light brown jaguar who is a really good swimmer and piano player. his eyes are brown. his hair is an extremely light blonde and it's fluffy :3** **michael - michael is a large panther with deep black fur and blazing green eyes.
Running Late
He was tall, dark, muscular, had the voice of a prowling jaguar, the scent of a bengal tiger and could make girls weak at the knees from a casual glance.
Doctor wot- the furry earth
The saviour notices all the carnivorous furs around him, jaguars, foxes, dragons & more reptiles. they enter & find a smelly room with furs eating live primitive animals.
Ice Soldier chapter 4
We have a draconian female, and a jaguar, but our newest one is a leopardess. or are you the intimidating bastard that command said they were sending down to escort them to the party?"
Dig my Grave in Reno, part one
The jaguar outlaw known as garras holstered his revolver and twiddled his well-groomed whiskers between two fingers. "san blas is only three days ride away, cayo. we'll be rich by the time the church bells ring on sunday."
Change in Venue- October
He doesn't pay it any mind at all and acts as if nothing was out of the ordinary until he sees both a pig and a jaguar standing in the middle of the road staring at him. in order to try and not hit them he slams onto the breaks.
Zootopia AU :: Warmth ::
His smaller grey furred form barely missed being hit when he crossed, if not for his longer black tipped ears the jaguar in the blue sedan might have hit him.
Relaxing, Piece by Piece
As is to make a point the purring jaguar raked the clawed fingertips of one hand down the base of the foot, watching and smirking as its toes splayed rather sharply outward, then curled tightly in as the whole leg shook uncontrollably in its restraints.
Outcast - Chapter 9
The person evaluating me - a rather wiry looking jaguar - didn't bat so much as an ear during the tests. he merely nodded each time before making a mark on his chart.
The First Warning Part 1
Just a while until we drive off in a jaguar with an open roof as we head through downtown and outside the city. it just didn't make sense as if i'm about to start a war or not. all i know, my first plan of attack is with that deoxys...
ASL Files: A New Star (Chapter 2)
"there are about a dozen jaguars on the island, that's why we have these passages," jonathon said waving an arm in a sweep of the tunnel, "and like a persons finger prints a jaguars spots are unique.