Part One - Whispering Shadows

Invisible being, hiding in the shadows and fullfiling everyone one of his wishes? why hadn't his father brought him his sooner, why did he hide this truth away from him his whole life? why did he never...

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Charhorn's Origin Story

Charhorn's hide was prominently black and red, even his horns neared the jet black which was unusual for a fire dragon.

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Am i dreaming still curled up in the recesses of my head unconscious lucidity living in mirrors hiding from the light keeping to my corners who is me?

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The Brave Coward

I want to trap him within my heart and kiss away his pain no matter how it burns i'll tear away his boundaries and flood him with my light because he is a coward there i will hold him tight he will always run from me and hide

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Art Trade W RizaKiryu

Ferris's brother sure knew the best hiding spots when they played hide and seek. it would take him hours to locate his brother, or he'd admit defeat and his brother would run up with a big grin on his face.

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Dragon Legends: The Tale of Orphius Chapter 6

It what could you possible gain from hiding it' thought sephros as he slowly closed the book, by now the sun had already begun to disappear over the horizon.

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Rex Chapter 2

They continued playing and eventually started playing hide and seek, rex was hiding in the tube slide because rob would never think to look there. eventually after finding brooklyn under a bench he found rex in the tube slide.

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It was raining, which, he hoped, would hide his scent in case anyone tried to sniff him out. he landed on a rocky hill, with many ledges jutting out. it was at least 100 feet in the air, out of reach of the ground.

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Rock Bottom

Why find a hiding spot when i already was in a hiding spot? i could stay here for the time being. let big guy do his thing and settle down in front of the tv like usual... that same tv i'd left turned on... damn it!

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I see each face, but i push them away before the longing hits my heart, the bestial whispers in my mind making them easier to hide, or hide from.

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LoS: A New Age Chapter 5

There wasn't many places to hide so it wasn't hard to look around. he didn't find her in any of the overgrowth and wondered where else she could possibly hide. he kept looking but still couldn't find her. _this isn't even possible anymore. wait!

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Falling - Kreet 82

They were playing hide-and-seek again and grace was covering her eyes and counting. in common, she noticed. the other two were waddling around, looking for places to hide.

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