Indigo Nights- Chapter 21: The Zenith

"it was generous of you to allow me to part ways with a section of the zenith crown, but that will ultimately be your downfall. i've managed to do more with one crystal than you could ever with the rest of it."


The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 51

"remember the little, sad story i told you about the downfall of the..." she snorted "blessed ones?" his eyes sparkled in realization.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 48

Cornered prey fights with doubled intensity, even if they would wipe us out we would slaughter so many of their numbers that they would have never recovered from, in the end following the genocide of the apes" "predicting the downfall of the strongest race

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 13

What if malefor planned his downfall from the beginning, planned for cynder's birth years later after his original defeat?

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 30

There were beasts plotting your downfall." "i heard there was only one wolf speaking out... and she was a refugee! flame take us, she was an immigrant. what does it say about us that we kill immigrants?

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Shayde's Story Chapter 5

Shayde saw the look glayce had, and grinned a savage grin. ‘your downfall.' holding the primium in one hand and his katana in the other, shayde leapt forward.

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Love, Death and Dragons

Its choice of living space would be its downfall. a few days later he was ready he rode his horse to the top of the valley dismounted and made his way slowly towards the cave, his sword drawn a low growl emanated from the cave.

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 21)

And, that the thunder was the god's anger at them, and its vicious joy at their downfall. granny used to lock all the doors and keep us inside for fear that we would be taken.'

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Starborne - Trial by Fire: Iridescent

Thin veils of atmosphere all planetborne, all planet-bound life depends onto sustain itself - you invariably depend on artificial means to survive in our - your way to achieve a measure of greatness, and at the sametime the cause for the downfall

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Watership Down - The Pet Hlessi (Written 1999)

Though maybe this was the warren's downfall. while they had been down below. they had not noticed that the water in the stream was growing faster or coming over the sides.

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Tropical Revised - Chapter One

At the end of the semester, you should be able to tell me what key events led up to lutracha's downfall." the class went over rather standard, with their textbooks being downloaded to each student's individual pawpad and homework being assigned. mr.

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Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 16

A sickening unease gripped his imagination as scott envisioned such a downfall of an empire he had once sworn to protect and defend with his life.

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