Fated Turn - Thursday Prompt Story [#19, 01/6/23]
At ground level were all the various stations and equipment, with many scientists and workers shifting around in a chaotic yet composed manner across the polished granite floor.
Soul of Fire - Chapter 2
From there the activity grew more hectic and chaotic. time got more distorted. the little room they were in had neither windows nor clocks and silvia had no idea what time it was.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 27
Coexistence not anticipated" with a blare of grinding stones the face on the far wall disappeared, every block of colorful stone returned to its natural place, forming the typical, chaotic, meaningless mosaic once again.
The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 9: Suffer in Truth
Magic of this intensity was more often than not a breeding ground for trouble, though it didn't have the chaotic hell that discord possessed. there was a constrained show of force within the aura.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 11
He once more began to spin, despite the invisible weight attached to his neck this particular spin went rather fast, turning the surroundings into nothing more but a mess of chaotic colors.
Not even a demon can split us apart
In his chaotic mind he tried again to calm himself and regain some of his control as he had few seconds earlier.
Tales from the Tricolor Beguile: Chemistry
"i mean sometimes it feels like we've been together for a long time and can be intimate and all, but at others it's so chaotic it's like we're just starting out. like she's not completely open with me, nor me with her." sam sighed.
Battle of the Gods (Creation Story)
It was a land that could never know peace; chaotic storms danced with beautiful precision, endlessly drawing and re-drawing lines in the sand. when he was done, he stepped back to admire his work.
Untold Mysteries: 2
I back away, trying to protect jedrek from chaotic force. _'tiergan, deer, let's go,'_ i project, hoping coax him out of the rage trance i feel growing. he shakes his head from side to side, _'yea, food, let's go.'_
Carrier Wolves - Chapter 7: Progression
So much had happened over the past few days, it seemed way more chaotic than it normally was with jobs, even though they had been travelling faster and further than most of their jobs.
Airline Food for the Soul
The sky ahead of them is pitch black except for stars, and as they climb higher, the stars brighten, the night time lights of earth's parking lots and streetlights fading to give way to the universes chaotic beauty.
Sphere City (Chapter 1: Genetics)
._ **chapter 01: genetics** the quiet tapping of steel toes guided the chaotic thing across the pavement. "eeeek..!!" echoed the shrill shriek of a fleeing victim, voice sounding throughout the shrunken city district, "someone..!!