A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 2 - Spirits -
alex said softly, startling him. "alex..." james said softly. "any luck?" "well...
That Gay Goth Dog (part 5)
Bye to abbey me and alex walked home.
Rhys' Early Birthday
"thanks uncle alex." rhys unwrapped the box and stopped. inside the tiny cardboard cube was a set of key bearing the lamborghini logo. "uncle alex wh-" "alex i though you said you bought him a cheap car." "it was cheap, for me that is.
Left 4 dead: Introduction
Damien helped alex up, then exploded the head of an infected about to slash alex. the neko turned toward the tiger with a grin. "merry christmas." he then went back to the others to help fend off the attack. crystal, however, had other plans.
Chapter XV: All Things Grow
alex got up as if to leave, but ashleigh stopped him with a gentle touch to his arm. "alex, wait. i heard you, at lunchtime." "oh, um... i'm sorry," he said, blushing.
Inferno High - Chapter 21
It shook the whole room, and woke up alex. it took him a minute for his numbness to wear off, but when it did he looked around completely confused. "jesus fucking christ, alex! where the hell did you get this?"
Thunderweaver Volume 1: Chapter 1: Courier Work
alex confused, followed the rabbit into the kitchen.
Zootopia: First Salvo 12
alex said innocently as he snuggled a pillow. will snorted at him...."at least get some underwear on alex?" "why?" alex replied. "you never have a problem with me going buff when we're alone?"
Day at The Park
Archer replied, as the door opened and alex walked in. "everybody's up." alex said, turning on the light. archer blinked the dazzle away and looked up at the arctic fox, named alex.
Inferno High - Chapter 16
I fall asleep in alex's welcoming arms, his warm fur that seems to comfort me, his strong chest that keeps me safe, and his rhythmic breathing. i don't care any more. i only want alex. fuck ted. fuck x. fuck the others. they're not alex.
Inferno High - Chapter 6
[alex] "x, why don't you talk?" [zane] x looked up again, grabbed alex's unopen carton of milk and turned it upside down. he went back to eating. "what the hell?" [ted] "i... i'm afraid to drink that." [alex] "oh, as if he cursed it or something?"
Zootopia Spirit Chronicles Chapter 1
The other wolf seemed to notice him, much to alex's displeasure. grinning as if he found his prey, he walked faster towards alex. panicking, alex decided to duck into a nearby alleyway, but it turned out to be a dead end. "great this sucks..."