Wolf and Fox: IR + CD?! (old)
The next few days pasted and chika invited ir to stay with her until the end of the month, at which point some artists were having a new years party in angels city. of course, south city and angels city were less than 20 miles apart.
The King's Company: Chapter Ten: Training!
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and have a happy new year! characters!
Swat Kats Hollow Arc Chapter 1
It was new years eve and dad and his gang were drinking like there was no tomorrow, i was in bed at the time but mom was forced to serve them in a slut outfit.
Regis Part Two - The News
Literally coal, and new year's they tell me to leave them alone and god know what they do... blegh!" will then giggled and went as the light turned green and went on the highway.
Venturing: A plan pulled Together
(happy new year everyone! sorry for the long wait. my main computer decided to break and shut off for some strange reason. leaving me with my alternative computer; don't fret although, more are to come soon.
Secrets Ch. 15
Hope all of you are having a great new year and enjoy the new chapter.
Resolutions - Part 10 - October
One of your new year's resolutions was to become healthier not to become a personal trainer or a bodybuilder. i find you attractive. the six-pack and pecs are for me and i don't want to make other people feel bad or guilty for the way that they look.
Blessing Day: Part 4
"as we all sit gathered here, we extend our thanks to the gods for blessing us with this, the gift of a new year...
Christmas Memories
Times and what it means,_ _to all the children of the world,_ _every little boy and girl out there loves thistlehair,_ _wherever you find ol' thistlehair,_ _there'll be music in the air,_ _he dances round the christmas tree,_ _every single new
Know To Understand. Chapter 16: To no end.
#16 of know to understand hello everyone first off happy new years, secondly moar plot!, and last getting down to business. something weird happens...like finding gold inside oxygen...weird right? # know to understand. # chapter 16: to no end.
Stories From Elton High | Chapter 12
"but it's a new year, and there's no better time to start a new tradition." arden loved this new tradition. he enjoyed mark's company so much that he didn't even notice how much his pizza tasted like ketchup-covered cardboard. "aww, that's adorable!
Yugioh NG Ep.1
_looking up at the fox she just just sighed and took his hand and as he helped her off the floor she thought to herself, "well at least i know theres going to be some talent in this new year, a touch cute too.