Winter Interlude

Carter stood on the corner of Thirty-Second and Main, watching the snow fall across the final scurrying shoppers of the holiday season. Each seemed to be on his or her own mission to find that final perfect extra something. He sighed. This was a time...

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Dire Wolf Rivals

Cryo hesitated only for a second before touching the shoulders of her hunters. She was sure of them, knowing that they were the faster wolves, the ones finding it best to hunt. They were gone in a smoky flash- their feet were swift, their movements...

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Aeria The headlights of my blue RX-8 reflected off the road, illuminating the pavement to allow myself to see forward. The yellow lines of the road reflected back at me like beacons. A car with beaming headlights came passing by. With a soft whoosh of...

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Wonderland (Wintertime Contest 2012-13)

**Wonderland** © 2012-2013 TheOrigamist "I've never seen it," he said. He shrugged, and dust flew off of his shoulders to settle on the ground beside him. He would have gotten up if he had the strength, but the sun beat him down and he remained...

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Dire Wolf Forgiveness

She was unable to stand watching the others fight, though tensions were high enough that she herself was growling but stifling the instinct to attack as the others had. She trembled once before snarling and leaping forward on aching yet strong legs....

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