As I Watch

As i watch the rain slowly fall from the sky all is silent as i gradually begin to cry i don't understand what went wrong you tell me that i can't stay for long.


As I Watch

As i watch you walk away, i feel the world grow dark and grey. lord, help me to get the strength to move on. now that i must walk this road alone. |

Watching a Movie

Well, for now, we're still going to watch a movie together. i never asked what we'd be watching tonight. i guess i'll probably find out when he gets here. i'm excited and incredibly nervous to see him again.

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Watching Us

It confirmed that not only do we watch over the graves of those who passed, but there is also someone out there watching us.

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Waterlogged - Watery Truth

I stood back, away from the pillar I had just been reading, and turned to the old figure slouched on the ground nearby. He was breathing raggedly, his voice the only sound that could be heard. The only sound, besides the drizzle of water falling from...

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Eternal Mortality: Burling Burning

The few gray watch soldiers that were sent, still wear their dark gray, and they receive the name "dark liberator" the cruelty of the gray watch, caused many rebels to defect, but the watch are rarely seen anyway.

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Dragon watching tours!

And to do it better, we offer wildlife watching tours to give the unique opportunity of seeing them in real life!" no, still no smell of lies. but the dragon's mind was a confused pastiche of foreign concepts. a very irritating feeling.


Life under watch

"oh right i saved up all my money for that day" "really we only spent like thirty dollars that day" "yeah but that was before my watch started selling, which reminds me" "hmm?" "well tomorrow i get my check maybe you want to go somewhere?"

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Five nights at Jacks (part 2)

A bell went off, i looked at my watch, 6:00 a.m. my shift is over.

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Chapter 7: Stars to Watch

Maybe we should just sit here and watch the stars appear" said arthur tenderly and sat down at the stone again.

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Watch Dogs 2 - the ouroboros

#9 of watch dogs ''i am the guilty one ball and chain around my leg i am the cursed one black cloud hangin' overhead fill the heart that pumps bad blood all inside of me.'' -- jon spencer blues explosion, killer wolf the 30 minute prologue.

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Watch Dogs 8- The Crucible

#2 of watch dogs we ignore any reasoning and we do as we're told and we grow so cold and no one can say why.

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