She turned, wide eyed, and looked at the nest beside the nursery, "that's the warriors' den, isn't it? i can't wait to be a warrior!" she raced towards the den.
dawnfur blocked snowkit's excited run, "don't bother the warriors, snowkit.
Clean, Fan fiction, Fanfiction, Felines, Fiction, No-Yiff, Sex, Warrior cats, cats, warriors
Go on. "
" one sun high before night star murdered our leader, i´ve had heard him talking to his loyal warriors that on the following sun high, he would kill our leader on his patrol.
No-Yiff, Warrior cats, cats
A white warrior he recognized as cloudtail, was padding up to him.
"how long have you been here." he meowed, "brightheart said you been here for almost a moon, is it true?"
"yes," scourge replied, "do you miss a lot of things?"
Feral, Warrior cats, cats
We're like family and we will support you on your way of becoming a warrior. if you allow it.' whitestorm paused, "firestar and cinderpelt gave you a chance for a new life.
Blood, Feral, Warrior cats
The figure said, is fur darkened with blood along the trail scourge's claws had took when he struck this mighty warrior down.
Blood, Feral, Warrior cats
#3 of warrior cats
the next episode of my cat clan. more to come.
a disclaimer: all publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. the original characters and plot are the property of the author.
No-Yiff, Warrior cats, cats
This is about me warrior cat oc, talonpaw who's been lied to her whole life. once she finds out these secrets, she's changed forever
Fox, Wolf, Wolfox, warriors
**chapter 1 - the fox warrior**
a long time ago in a village called shen-hao a warrior lived peacefully with his family. the red fox warrior bai-liang lived with his wife, daughter and son.
Adventure, Clean, Cub (clean), Death, Family, Fantasy, Fox, Jade Warriors, Love, Village, Warrior, loss
"warrior wolf." miri looks at the warrior black eyes and she notice it was her mother."warrior wolf: queen was said to have sniffed out fifteen pride land lions warriors in a second she is a beautiful female that have a attitude of a kind hearted kitten."
Adventure, Angel, Demon, Pokemon, Wolf
#1 of the warriors
i've been trying to work on my other stories and such, but every time i sit down to write, the words for this story come into my head rather than for rocky mountain times
Bison, Clean, Handcuffs, Male, No-Yiff, Prison, Weasel, murder, story idea
He walked straight to a large closet on the other side, going past all his relics and collections he got from his days as a jade warrior.
jao pulled open the closet slowly revealing his jade warrior armour and weapon.
Adventure, Anger, Armour, Clean, Family, Fantasy, Fox, Jade Warrior, Love, Sorrow, Village, Warrior, Weapons, archer