The Lock - Early Short Story Attempt

The rustling of grass was getting louder as well as the fluent rush of vietnamese dialect. i raised my paw up, made a closed fist, and then lowered my arm. we both stopped and listened.

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God of Hunger chapter 12-18

By the time the vietnamese have figured out what has just happened, el has brought up the red9 and started unloading on the next three.

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In The Doghouse: Chapter Six

Paul had killed many a north vietnamese army soldier with that rifle from 1969 to 1970 as a marine scout sniper. it wasn't something he spoke of often.

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The Newlyweds Next-Door - Book 01 - Chapter 01

You see he is part japanese, part chinese, part vietnamese, part thai, part indian, part french. while mom my is part irish, part german, part mexican, part spanish, part english, part polish, part african, part cherokee indian."

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