Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 48

Even their fear was the same, a steady undertow beneath it all. their faces were all bleeding together, forming a single entity of lifeless meat. whether it was a single body or a thousand, without life, they might as well not even be here.

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Fates of the Ferals: The Long Jaunt

As he approached a narrow ledge below which there would be nothing but undertow and rocks, he bunched his legs and rebounded off of it.

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Thus the endless cycle of their food consumption had continued, an undertow in the ocean that cookie couldn't seem to swim out of.

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The Interpol Files: A Precarious Prohibition

Shouted patrick, "there's no current, no undertow, i'm a great swimmer, the shore's only a few metres away, and i don't mind getting a little cold. i knew kids in preschool who made scarier threats then that." "you forgot the shark." noted sly.

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Trailblazer Part 2

Magnum feels his body stiffen as he gasps, he has never felt anything like it before, it's like a cascade of emotions converted into a focused attack, screams of anger, wails of fanatical ecstasy blended with lustful greed and an undertow melancholy with various

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SY 05 - Daddy's boy

\* \* \* \* \* "i don't remember much that happened after that, mom says i got caught in an undertow, and dad hauled me out just before it was too late."

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Serenity Base Episode 1 Part 3

Yet one tinged with a undertow of worry, understandably so perhaps as her vat was now the one to inch closer, having cut her margin of safety by a good third while uma's vat stayed right where it was.

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When I Chose You 1 - I Lost My Heart

Glaring down each passage he went for the one that more likely turned towards the undertow of the volcanic river, the rumbling churn of molten liquid echoing deep through the world as james stiffened himself with courage to walk towards the source of the furious

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 8.2 - The Mad Bird of Issincho

Somehow the tunnel was less cold than the outside world, the gasping winds of the undertow frightening him as shadows gripped the walls. the water turned thick beneath his feet, a shallow sewage where he trudged through the depths.

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