Eyes floating in my mind lost in my thoughts of your beautiful skin, feeling your taste and sound run through me as i think of your eyes still staring at me in my mind burning a hole into my soul
Beautiful, Burn, Eyes, Poem, Skin, Thoughtful, feel, mind, soul, taste, thought
And this thought just hit me.**
**if i were ever to visit the pokemon world while it's under an apocalypse, would i choose:**
**a) an apocalypse where all the pokemon revolt against humans and kill them.**
**b) an apocalypse where some form of virus has
The Bloody Seje, Thoughts
A store alarm sounds as three young men rush through the door rushing down the street as the store owner runs out yelling and pointing as the three rush around the corner shortly followed by the sounds of police sirens. Two of them make it into an...
Intro, Thought Provoking
sitting alone in a dark bathroom tub lay
lit by the flame of one candle
would be the time alone quite
no one here to stop
no one here to need me
no one her to miss me
sitting alone in a dark bathroom tub think
lit by the flame of one candle...
Inner thought, Suicide
#2 of short stories
thoughts about seeing
i guess... i just want to see things with him. like, maybe see a zoo or an amusement park, fireworks or a circus.
Love, deep, thought
There are those lucky folk who carry their sins for themselves, and only themselves. It is these folk who are blessed, for they merely have their own ills and evils to bear before they may pass into the beyond.
I am not so lucky.
My name is Tembo. I...
Suspense, Thought Provoking
For my friends,
A place where one's purpose lies in that which is immediately obvious.
Where the highest office one could hope to achieve is that of a good friend, a lover, a mother, a father.
Where there is and has never been a legitimate reason...
Poetry, Thought Provoking
[creative commons license](http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nd/3.0/88x31.png)](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/)
"yo pensé"/"i thought" by bhscorch is licensed under a [creative commons attribution-noderivs 3.0 unported license](http://creativecommons.org
Poetry, spanish, thought
What are words
Written across the page?
What emotions
Are written into these words?
Why now
At this moment in time
Do we choose to write?
What inspires?
What makes us know
See, feel, understand,
To write words?
Must they be...
Poetry, thought, words
The feedback on Salazzle Dazzle has been stellar thus far, and... honestly, it's restored a lot of my faith in my own writing. Depression is an insidious curse; among other things, having done its damnedest to convince me my writing was amateurish...
Journal, Thoughts, writing
My curiosity is unending yet, nothing surprises me
thought after thought after thought, i began to care less
each moment passed, no different than the last
my mind a tome which the heart reads
better alone it tells me
how can that be
well sit
Another Thought, Poetry