"well spoken, tarin. you make a good point." head bowed thoughtfully, the elder stood still before her, the silence stretching out between them. finally he raised his head again, a faint smile curling his ancient lips. "tell me something else, tarin.
Dwarf, Tarin, Tarous, The Wolfcaller Chronicles
With his dismissal given, rakthon raised his hand and slapped the younger tarin hard across her face. he expected her to collapse to the ground before crawling shamefully away.
but she did not fall.
Fantasy, Tarin, Tarous, Training, Warrior
Nadirah trod wearily across the dead ground. The dry turf snapped crisply beneath her hooves, sometimes sending fragments of debris dusting into the air to stick temporarily to her ankles. The stale moist air tasted of decay, filling her nose with the...
Fantasy, Nadirah Wolfcaller, Tarin, Tarous