Halloween Special
Now my roommate, unlike me, is a big time jock who got a full ride scholarship to become a football superstar. he was decent with his built wolf body, who made me even more of a kit than a fox.
Natural Science- Permanent Waves
His face would be put on breakfast cereal boxes, terry would assume the same praise and adulation and respect reserved for superstar athletes or heads of state. it was at such a time that terry had to keep his sense of humility.
Cloricia "Tex" Teixeira: Growing up 1
"hola superstar." he said. "hey old man." i answered.
Last Man Standing: Darius Koopa vs Crash McCloud
As much as i loved seeing this it looks like it'll have to end now or there will be nothing left of crash for other superstars" cobalt continues on as the count goes up "eight......nine........ten!" the official calls for the bell to end the match up.
Jona Vastenhout joins the FBA
News spread quickly about jona's playstyle; calling him the next point guard superstar for the fba and everyone would be waiting for the announcement of him entering the fba draft.
Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #13- No Fooling Around
Without their veteran superstar on the floor, the mayors fell far behind in the opening frame and could not make up the deficit.
Dons Nation 2 - Week 3
He's a superstar! everyone should love him! yeah! garner - **\***** shakes his head\*** - myron, can you stop being overly excited and get over here so that we can get this show going? woods - sorry, man, but i am too excited. garner - what for?
Moyo wa shujaa 3
"well, i'm sorry to disappoint you 'spotted blur', but i already have a healey davis trophy in my house and i'm not satisfied with just one, so i don't have time for a wannabe rookie superstars. i'm trying to win a championship. got it?"
Rafael Hayes joins the FBA
He wasn't trying to coach a superstar but a player. and that is what raffie became; a player.
"The Best Their Is . . ." Page 1
Louis missouri almost filled to the rafters, with 21,151 screaming world wrestling federation fans showing their support for next pair of wwf superstars to emerge from behind the - black fabric stage curtain.
Chasing Pavements.
He was a geek sophomore, and derrik was a superstar senior. "this is cliched." he said, derrik looking at him "don't worry about it. so what you wanna show me?" he asked, derrik sat on the ground before laying down.
Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #6 - Rise to Power
_tuesday november 22nd_ huntsville (al): mayors fans are all abuzz with john stoat (stoat, g, hnt) fever as the fba superstar led the team on a five-game winning streak that rocketed huntsville to the top of the eastern conference after only two weeks of