The fruits of her labor

Special thanks to my helper, critique guy, formatter, proofer, etc: kanohaninja amongst the roots of a great tree a lone grey wolf lay with her back to the trunk.

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Blood And Water Mini - Testing The Waters

"well, bain... yes, i'm pretty sure we have some alhiin root, but... well, taking alhiin root for sleep is like drinking a lake to slake your thirst." his brows furrowed slightly.

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Reynard and the Dragon

Her barbed tongue--no longer coated with its withering saliva, was caught by a pair of roots gradually making their way toward her throat. no matter how she writhed and struggled, the roots held her tongue fast.

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 41

"come hoon, hoo hitch..." he whispered through a mouthful of roots, holding one out with his free hand. jitters still seemed reluctant to approach him, but evidently the roots were too delicious to resist.

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Dimensional Analysis

Twisting himself around as best he could, he brought the blade down on the wooden root and slashed and hacked for all he was worth. a loud hissing erupted from the root, along with a thin white fog.

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Furtasia: Thladiran Language

Tzh, r, or w **-ur:** k or g **female names:** thladiran female names always have the suffix -li attached to the root.

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 27

Grab the roots!" banno reached for the closest clump of roots, twitching and jerking as their tips brushed the river's surface, but he just couldn't make it.

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Ander - Part 1: Subchapter 27

Grab the roots!" banno reached for the closest clump of roots, twitching and jerking as their tips brushed the river's surface, but he just couldn't make it.

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Bound In Beast Flesh -- Unfair Fight

One root manages to still snag your left leg, however, and is soon assisting its brethren in claiming your right. you slice up the roots with your sword blade! it's tricky with your off hand, but you manage enough strength to free your legs completely.

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The Codex Chapter 1: The colossus

The dragon iguana turned his head towards the cliff to see how darvo stood there, feet rooted in the ground.

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 41

"come hoon, hoo hitch..." he whispered through a mouthful of roots, holding one out with his free hand. jitters still seemed reluctant to approach him, but evidently the roots were too delicious to resist.

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The Interpol Files: A Precarious Prohibition

Let me geuss, that flanagan guy wouldn't just ban root beer if it's got such a root in irish culture and history, and it would just mean criminals would just get fat off of making their own stuff.

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